
Jeff Foxworthy voice: If you think the SPLC is a hate might be a Nazi.

Fuck the free speech rights of Nazis.  Shun them, shame them, ostracize them and make them know that what they are is not OK.

Nope, because I believe in shaming, shunning, and denying Nazis access to public services.  I don’t care about an equality principle or free speech when it comes to Nazis.  Nazis are to be crushed, not given “free speech” rights.  Sorry, ACLU, but I’m not there with you anymore.  

Nazis should be treated worse than other people.  That’s the difference.  

Yes I deny this.

And we’ve found the Nazi.

Seriously?  What media do you consume?  This “reasonable” facade is a little hard to swallow.  


Also, if you defend Trump, you aren’t a liberal.  Stop lying to yourself and others.

I don’t know what a practice ride flag is, but it would depend on what the flag stood for.  If it doesn’t stand for the mass murder of people simply based on irrational hate, then probably not.  

He has encouraged a culture of violence and hate to erupt, leading to the murder of numerous trans women of color in the last couple of years. He has told trans folx that they’re not worthy of serving in the military. He has appointed dozens of far right judges who will spend their time on the bench eroding LGBT and

He has encouraged a burgeoning white supremacist movement to come out of the shadows and attack people on the streets.  He has done nothing to curb gun violence or the fascist militarization of police who murder innocent black Americans daily.  The recent shutdown hurt people on food stamps and other public

Freedom of speech and assembly trump (pun intended) in my opinion a ban on something as silly as a MAGA hat swastika armbands (and they are ridiculous). I would argue that banning these hats swastikas HURT the cause of the left and liberals because it further distances ourselves from the fewer and fewer instances

Why do you need a blanket on a short flight like LA to SF? Is it that cold on the plane?

Don’t be silly. We all know that the ‘90s were ten years ago.

Knee solidarity.  I tore my meniscus last week being an idiot and thinking “Yes, I should start doing parkour at age 40.”  

lol webrings. I administered one of those back in the day. 

Brockian Ultra-Cricket.

They’re like licking a skunk.  I don’t want to lick a skunk.

I moved to Portland in 2009, and oddly enough my first beer here was a PBR. I didn’t know what the heck PBR was, but it was cheap and on tap at the pizza place where we ate dinner after we unpacked the truck.