
I’m currently renting one of these while my GTI is in the shop. It’s fun in a very different sort of way than my GTI is. Where my GTI is “flingable” and fun in a visceral, throw you around sort of way, the Charger is very much “dolphin cutting through water” fun. The drive is smooth and soft, but the power’s there

October: Insist you have no time for this.

Similar Joke:

He’s a Cylon but he doesn’t yet know he’s a Cylon. Look out for weird covers of old Bob Dylan songs for the reveal. Or maybe that Al Green song comes back and triggers something...

No fucking thank you.

Edited to add - if this is a Sinclair station:

You didn’t EARn that pun.

Well this makes me really want to eat that chip. Nothing sells a thing better than projectile vomiting and splitting headaches.

  • What’s your favorite canned bean? Trader Joe’s has a Cuban bean can that’s really tasty - it has black beans with diced pepper and things.

I love GTIs but this car just looks narsty.

Also, George W. Bush presided over the worst domestic terror attack in US history, whilst simultaneously having access to intelligence reports suggesting strongly that EXACTLY THE THING THAT HAPPENED WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. And then for some reason, we all turned into flag-humping lunatics and rallied around this abject

Why are you throwing up on your television while you’re making dinner? Seems an odd combination of activities...

The only real disadvantage is that it’s in Florida, and nothing good ever comes from Florida.


This is nearly my favorite movie. :)

What’s with your face? It’s all eyes. Why do you have such big eyes? Get them under control.

F’htagn! Looks like the boys be fighting one of the Great Old Ones!

Came here to say this.

I should really have seen Wal Mart mentioned at least once before having to click for more replies.

Very cool! I have a burgeoning comics artist in my non-binary foster kid, so I’m definitely going to show this article to them!