
Yeah it’s mountains of infodump. I stopped listening to it on Audible fairly quickly.

Drool. We always have leftover challah after Shabbat dinner that we make into French toast in the morning, so I’ll have to try this. My lactose intolerant self will have to substitute almond milk, but I wonder if there’s a way to make it more custardy - add tofu or something maybe?

Well an unrecognizable Nazi Tulsa with the sky on fire for some reason, but that’s such a random choice.

This is set in Tulsa?? I mean...why?

oh THERE’s Superman.

This is all very stupid.

Being a resident of the Pacific Northwest myself, I would drink the absolute pants off of this. Thanks for the recipe!

I like Burgerville. as a foster parent of two teenagers, sometimes it’s an easy tasty option.

How do any of the guys pee whilst wearing those outfits?

Are you trying to start a hipster-off - LA vs. Portland? lol. We have a lot of good Thai food here as well. :)

I don’t know. I found it extremely tasty. *shrug*

Who the fuck has a $25,000 budget for a car right out of college? Rich little white

I haven’t set foot in a Salt Garden in many years. Their food tastes like salt and nothing.

Yeah God forbid we ask human beings for advice when a computer can give us information.

New York’s hottest club is...

Ack, Bete Lukas is at 50th and Division, not 60th.

In Portland, going to a chain restaurant just isn’t a thing, really. We have local chains, but like, going to Olive Garden of an evening just isn’t done, as far as my experience. I mean, we have some chain restaurants, but most of them are on the fringes of the city or near the mall. The heart of the city is

Greatest Gen fist bump. :)

Well shit good point. Let’s get rid of speed limits, seat belt laws, let’s let people text while driving, hell, let’s let people drink vodka behind the wheel.