
Yeah we’re never seeing this show. It’s just not happening. It is deceased. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. It is an ex-show. It has shuffled off its mortal coil, kicked the bucket, and gone off to join the choir invisible.

Duck ice cream. I want to go to there. Wonder if Salt & Straw has thought of that ? Duck with plum sauce ice cream. Seems up their alley. I’d even be willing to take the lactose damage to try that.

When I was a teenager, I used to do epic McDonalds runs where I would scarf down 3 Big Macs. If I tried that right now, I would vomit, die, and then my ghost would have that “McDonalds feeling” for the rest of eternity.

I hope not. lol. :)

I need that fucking sauce.

Also, speaking as a communist, I love all meat equally. From each according to its tastiness, to me according to what my mouth wants to eat.

Mu shu alligator? *continues drooling forever*

*drooling forever* You ever had the gator bites at Montage? Tasty. Where do you get gator in this town?

I go both ways on this. I bought my Pontiac Solstice because it was sexy as hell on the exterior and fun as shit to drive. The interior was a cheap as shit GM designed void of plastic and nothing, with absolutely no storage for a single grocery, but that’s not why I bought the thing.

I’ve been thinking about this very issue, whether to start wearing a kippah in public. Thus far I’ve decided against it, because I sort of feel like doing so would be kind of disingenuous. I’m an atheist, but I also connect strongly to my Jewish heritage. I mean, I’m wrestling with this, which is what we Jews do -

Cis male here. This series is very, very hard to watch. Heartbreaking. I’ve been on the verge of tears more than once. And yet I can’t turn away. It’s brilliantly made.

GMTA. I had one of these for 6 years and loved it. It’s the reason I currently have a 2012 GTI. :)

Why would you take the front wheel off your Accord?

The answer to this, as it is with most of these, is a GTI. Sure, maybe harder to find in this price range, or maybe not:

I’m shocked, shocked, to learn that gambling is going on in this establishment.

Mine’s a Mk VI. Not sure the setup’s the same.

We call these people “niceholes.”

True article. I have a 2012 GTI and if I want to do something as simple as turn the bass down, I have to hit the “Settings” button, then go to “Audio” then touch “Bass” and then use a dial to turn it down. While driving. If I want to change radio presets, I have to look down at the infotainment system, turn a dial

Now playing

To me, Broadchurch is the embodiment of Eddie Izzard’s joke about British movies.