
I really don’t understand the appeal of Broadchurch. It’s like ....

You know, some of us have to wait to ahem celebrate this day (legally) until after work and the kid goes to bed.

I got a chance to meet Jeff Goldblum once. I had just gotten out of a performance of Spamalot (where I’d met Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce, and Hank Azaria and gotten their autographs) and he was standing outside of whatever other Broadway performance he was in, so I had him sign like a napkin or something, which I

10 Ways I can Trick you into clicking on this stupid thing! Number 3 will amaze you!

I want my see-through phone. Sci fi has been promising me a see-through glass phone for years now. I know it’s probably impossible. But honestly, how hard is it to make transparent circuit boards? Do they have to be green? Is that a stupid question?

Yes, yes it is.

This would be delightfully useful information if I didn’t have ADHD. I swear it makes things literally vanish and reappear somewhere entirely unexpected. Where’s my cell phone that I had in my hand a second ago? Oh, it’s in a room I haven’t gone into in an hour. How?

Something that annoys me - people who can’t figure out how to change lanes, so they slow way the hell down on the highway and wait for someone to lay down a god damned red carpet or something. Or they stop halfway through changing lanes and hang there, halfway in and halfway out of a lane, blocking me from continuing

Two teenagers do irrational things for love and ultimately kill themselves. I’ll pass.

Something I both understand on a logical level and don’t understand on a gut level: The slow but steady demise of an actual stick shift in cars like these. Top Gear, you guys, everyone seems to have converted entirely over to these flappy paddle dual-clutch things. Sure, ok, they shift more quickly and precisely

That’s so very pretty. I don’t care about anything else. I want it.

Just going to be over here quietly vibrating with giddy excitement until December.


Came here to find reference to this. Was not disappointed.

Aaron Sorkin directs Spiderman (abbreviated version):


Anyone remember Yahoo! Launchcast? Way back in the day, that shit was my main streaming service- I had carefully curated a bunch of stations I liked, and I had everything just the way I wanted it. Then the buggers shut down. There was also Audiogalaxy - that was pretty good. These days, I find myself with a

I’m very confused. Isn’t Superman supposed to be in this? I know he “died” in BvS, which I didn’t see, but why would that movie have been called “Dawn of Justice” then?

I own a 2015 Passat, and I can tell you it’s a very comfortable car with a trunk you could hide several bodies in, if that’s your thing.

How is the answer to all of these not GTI?