
So i was very happy at the moment of the NOPE puppy and then I saw the puppies who had teacher dogs and teared up. This might be the greatest video on the internet.

Just like Jon Hamm's character on 30 Rock!

Don't academic Belgians have better things to study than the O.C. ?

I live on the wrong damn coast.

She looks so happy to be there!

I read a book called Inside of a Dog and in it, the author cites a study (that she may have conducted) about dogs greeting their humans or human strangers. Apparently, dogs' tails typically wag with relative symmetry, but when they are greeting their human, the wag leans slightly left. I have anecdotally noted this

Does it still count as asking if giving money is tradition?

I'm just thinking about how when I visited a relative, he handed me an envelope of lucky money from my aunt who couldn't make the visit. I am an adult, I have a professional job, I do not need lucky money but it is part of the tradition and I can definitely

I had never seen that! I LOL'd repeatedly.

wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a box of pop-tarts and a pint of ice cream and make it yourself?

New York Magazine speculates that, like Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin has married "someone who looms one-hundred-feet high in his own imagination, and like her boss, she has elected to participate in his delusions."

I pass for White, but I am not. I accept this assignment to root out horrible assholes who say racist shit.

Do you think vinegar in the wash would get the ingrained coffee smell out of my clothes from when I worked at Starbucks?

#badbye = my new response to trolls.

Giving birth seems like the most harrowing experience ever, unless you're my cousin who literally went from pregnant to new mom in half an hour. Though maybe when it's that fast it is equally terrifying?

But what happens if he goes before her?!?!

Saw this at the LA Film Fest premiere. It is amazing and powerful stuff. Go and feel all the feels. Ryan Coogler seems like someone I wish was my friend, and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

this is exactly what I was going to post, and then poof! You did! well done.

From what I understand, hygiene = patriarchy so if you are really body confident and a REAL feminist you will throw it to the wayside for Amazonian anarchy and menstrual blood everywhere. Obviously.

I see where this Cosby music rabbit hole is going, and I LIKE it.