
Your first point is exactly the reason why I am confused by the sentence in the article - I believe purchasing traditionally made items and wearing/using/showcasing them is supporting Native communities; NOT cultural appropriation (whereas I think the other examples clearly are).

i was thinking the exact same thing! all the colours, the lines - it brings me joy.

I think the donation is a very classy inclusion to their apology. We're good again Kickstarter!

Jenna Marbles brings me an almost unreasonable amount of joy. Much like this story. Also, I agree with the sentiment behind these images. Yay Friday!

A city in Spain did something like this! They mailed "lost property" boxes of unscooped poop to the owners using the dog license registry.

you are not alone. (My diet coke is sitting next to my travel coffee mug on my desk as we speak.)

Welcome back! :)

"...buying a turquoise ring in Arizona is not on the same level of offense as calling your panties "Navajo" or modeling lingerie in a Native American headdress."

Are you back on the Jez team? I have been noticing a recent uptick in your bylines...

That's some heinous MIL behaviour right there.

Uh, judgement dove!?! I love that.

We got our friends gift certificates to two local restaurants - one was a bit fancier and the other was a favourite burger joint. We figured that after spending so much money on their wedding, it would be nice to give them some date-night relief funds. It was a welcome gift!

My dad is a very stoic and traditional Chinese man who did not have a very good role model for a dad growing up and I think, felt a little lost with his loud mouth daughter. I always knew in the back of my head that my dad loved me, but we did not have an easy relationship when I was a teenager after my parents

i told someone else that they won the internet today for their comment, but i changed my mind. YOU WIN.

I FOR REALZ LOL'D, you made my day.

I have a 30 inch waist and am a size 12. I also weigh more than 167 lbs and am 5'3. Muscles are heavy y'all.

how did you know I was thinking about tacos?!

When I was 8 in 1993, I came home from school and my mom had been watching Oprah, back when she still had scintillating show topics, and that day's episode was on teen pregnancies. Oprah had an expert who explained that girls who learn about sex and pregnancy when they are young are more likely to practice safe sex

The fanciest toilet/loo I ever used was a hotel in Honolulu. The toilet seat warmed and you could adjust the temperature/pressure of water that rinse your front and back lady bits and then it gently blow dried. The toilet may have also played was so cool I sent the fellow to take advantage in the men's room

Start anarchy! Just slap a skirt on the little plastic man on the loo door closest to where your class/office/lab is located and pee freely!