
I've done this more times than I care to admit, particularly in bars in foreign countries. Men are very accommodating for this, and I've always felt safe, particularly when I've had a buddy system.

Me too! I am in LA and seeking a slutty friend.

ETA I am also looking for Jezzie-reading friends, if you are not slutty and looking for someone new to hang out with. I don't judge. :)

I have not shaved my legs in over a year. There's hair alright, but it's so microfine and sparse, I don't think anyone's noticed.

Ah, I see, it's optional presently. The article doesn't do a great job of comparing food with a similar calorie content though. If I have the choice between a glass of red wine or a tbsp of margarine to consume 100 calories, it's a no brainer. Pass me a glass and some dry toast!

Isn't this already a thing? I live in California and I calorie/nutrition compared two different hard cider offerings last week before deciding that an extra tbsp of sugar was totally worth it.

I, like your friend, am Chinese/white and wish people would stop trying to figure it out, because they don't even notice how racist they sound in their curiosity. Notably: "I knew there was something funny about you" and in a 'reassuring tone' "No one would think you're Chinese just from looking at you." *le sigh*

I enjoy this gif greatly.

I want to go to there.

I think a Vagina High Priestess having a sweet baby princess puppy is poetic actually. :)

My dog is commonly known as "handsome handsome face."

this. loved. a hundred times. my hero of the day!

Read too fast, thought creator's name was Obie Wan Scott. Glad I took a double take, however am disappointed that my first thought was incorrect.

I know a magician! I can hook you up! Also: food is overpriced but OK, the magic is awesome however.

I see it as shorthand and more encompassing rather than enumerating all the many parts that have been sexualized/gendered.

I went to a bachelorette with a friend who was at the time around 7.5 months and she looked/felt SO LOVELY in her bikini and precisely no fucks were given by anyone. Rock it and have fun!

Maybe she's a D-cup in a C-cup top and it looks like support but is really just squishtits?

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling well again! I always appreciate this perspective (life's too short for self-hate) and agree whole-heartedly.

Joining a gym and getting a trainer is probably one of the best thing I'd ever done for myself. While you may feel weak now compared to other folks at the gym, as your muscle builds and your strength grows it is one of the most tangible and empowering accomplishments because YOU did it. Also, most of the time no one

Welcome to LA Laura!

I have the shoes! Super comfortable.