brown couch

I have a Ph.D in Pain

I wish it was Booli so that the employees could be Booleans

Donal Logue.

Oops, absolutely right - it's been a while since I've seen it.

5 beanz for Starburns as Zardoz. Zarburns

Automan or GTFO

I'm just a bad meme with a big ass dick

I want a new season of Bored to Death

We may not want Rust to be the new killer but the show hasn't shut the door on the possibility and Ledoux did say to him specifically that he was the new killer. (I think)

Came for this comment - wasn't disappointed. AAA+ would read again

Definitely an A from me - a devastating piece of TV

Yeah - I read the headline and thought - what the fuck have we done now (new idiot Prime Minister is like a cross between Dubya and Putin) - but yeah, biosecurity / biodiversity is a big deal here so fair enough.

The problem with a sequel to The Room - which I'd love to see as described - is that Tommy Wiseau would try too hard to make a funny bad movie rather than a sincere one. Ever since it hit cult status as a bad movie, he has been telling people that that was the point and that he was always in on the joke.

Thanks, I was pretty happy with it.

Oh well heil Hitler bitch

Tribal police come in like the cavalry and blow away the Nazis

This makes me see the New Zealand Norse-gods-walk-among-us series The Almighty Johnsons in a whole new light. 

Shut the f up Donnie

Well that was a freebie