brown couch

Before this episode I was ranking Season 2, 5, 1, 3, 4 but I think we have a new champion. Not a misstep, from the initial ‘dark Home Alone’ vibe to that glorious ending.

I mean, the start of the kidnapping scene seemed a pretty direct tie.

Thats me. Stylishly made, imaginative but i didn’t really care about a single character in the show. Maybe the guy in the pub.

I’m mostly curious about the 3 month turnaround between allegedly seeing the script and getting another show into production. That seems kind of fast?

I’ve liked it as a slow burn

You’d be wrong

Completely disagree. I dug it. TJR isnt trying to be Lebowski 2 - it’s a remake of a 70s French comedy, so has a more European sensibility - and it uses the Jesus as a main character, filling out his story. Classic slacker roadtrip hangout movie with philosophical elements.

I get that characters have arcs but the two leads were so awful and unrealistic that I just couldn’t after a couple of eps

You are literally describing fraud though. Theft by deception

Dude can backpedal all he likes but coming out with things like ‘we would be forced to have more diverse people and maybe even “a trans” ‘ is pretty cut and dried. Go home disappointing boomer.

I meant that I found Yorrick and Hero unbelievable. I’m fine with suspending disbelief for the overall premise. Hero was maybe slightly credible in some kind of self-destructive way but I just couldn’t buy any of Yorrick’s responses to the situation or anything that happened.

There’s being unlikable but the problem for me is being unbelievable

I’ve gotten this far in the show and am seriously questioning whether to bother continuing. (I read the comics years ago but remember little and am not sure if I finished).

Hero and Yorrick are unbelievably horrible people - I get that this sets them up for character growth but they suck so much in the situation that

Honestly - I couldn’t get past this sentence.

Might be a siren baby

There was a credit for the Siren voice in the credits that made me think this. Also, Nadja is 100% going to London to be the P.A/Kristen Schaal position

Oh, I didn’t know this was a thing. Thanks

I mean to say, that Banana Splits movie a couple of years ago is essentially this.

Theyve had so much longer to develop story and characters over 3 seasons of tv

I’ve been waiting for this one too - big props to the guy for inventiveness. If you haven’t already come across it, there are 5 or so podcast chapters of The Structural Dynamics of Flow, as read by Leslie Claret online that are pure gold