brown couch

Oh look - it’s that show with the sketches about someone doing something socially awkward and then doubling down on it for like 5 minutes.

12 year old me would’ve loved this. Now me will still watch anything zombie for completionism but this was just... fine. Competent. Not convinced Bautista has the charisma to carry a film, but it may have been the direction

(Big fan of the rest of Schur’s work though)

Is AV Club doing some kind of sponsored content thing with this show or is this just something that only Americans get? I just watched the first three episodes and literally did not laugh once. I may have half smiled at one point but that was literally it.

It’s as though someone described what ingredients jokes and a

He does? Maybe in a different photo?

Why so serious Zach - it’s a bunch of people running around in tights

I mean, I like The Godfather but... why? Who cares about this inside baseball bullshit? Is this a Mank thing?

Which Trump will 100% pay up on, Rudy not being smart enough to get paid in advance

After a year like this it’s a relief to have some weird, kind, silly, sharp humour to relax with. Piss funny at times too.

Is it smart was my main issue with S3. Not as smart as it thought it was.

Still very good, no argument there but caught up in trying to look clever at the expense of substance. As Peter Griffin said “It insists upon itself”

I’ll give this season a shot but I think it peaked with S2 after a strong S1.

This is a Facebook vs Murdoch thing - whoever wins, we lose

I’ve been checking back in on this season and I actually feel like the show has gotten some of its groove back. More laughs, better stories, less desperate fan service. Zach Woods and Werner Herzog smashing it.

Yeah there may have been a bunch of dumb in this episode but I feel like the space orchids deserve a bit more love, just as a concept. 

I assume they nominated strategically - though someone should've said yeah nah you're drama

Patriot. The name makes it a hard sell but it is simple indie vibe tv comic perfection

Whitford’s delivery of “I’d be a hero” was superb

Thanks - exactly this. The first episode was pretty strong and then it just seemed like the same sketch in a different scenario over and over. I’d add to your description - and then weird guy doubles down and occasionally there’s a clever line to end the sketch but usually just crying or screaming

The soul stone exchange is soul for a soul, right? So did Cap just say, “nah we’re good" when he returned it and Death said "hey do you want Black Widow back?"

I choose to believe it’s set in my home state in Australia and there will be a Rick and Morty crossover when they visit Bendigo

I thought it might be Gob’s beard trying to kill Gob - because that was the closet he was meant to come out of. Also there had been a tonne of references to how hard her fake boobs are.