Hello Yoshimi my old friend
Hello Yoshimi my old friend
Just by the by, our (Australia's) Prime Minister was just mistakenly voted out in a pack first, no-talking-after situation
His name is Robert Benson
Tin Man Games released an official Fighting Fantasy story app something something called Blood of the Zombie last year - written by one of the original writers. It's well worth a look.
I wonder who it might have been then
I assume that this is also a sly dig aimed at the people that will end up torrenting this series.
I looked up woodblock apps - there are 9 currently available
That'll be in the directors cut. Props to Cuaron for planning ahead
I am the one who cocks
Slightly off-topic but I was flicking around channels the other night when I found a documentary series (The Sex Researchers) narrated by Robert (Jez) Webb.
This talk about the softening of Billy surprises me a little. I saw him play in Canberra last year and got no sense whatsoever of a loss of fire. The last (website only) album - Fight Songs - was entirely about politics and featured his fantastic take on the phone hacking scandal and general Murdoch scumbaggery, Don't…