
Yeah, I'm having trouble deciding what that jab actually meant. Even Saga's most trope-y bits include a hint of subversion. I'd be interested to read more on what he thinks is so trite about it.

Right on. I appreciate the difference between a spin kick and a flying spinning kick, it just seemed as if you were dismissing the practice of spinning altogether.

I respectfully disagree. A spin kick or a flying kick is an excellent way to end a fight, if you use it to generate extra power. A flying spin kick also. They're just hard to pull off. The complete arial kick to the back of the head is not only difficult to pull off, it's also illegal in every competitive fighting

I see what you're saying, but the visual story-telling is very competent, and competency always make me feel like story tellers are withholding an answer rather than forgetting about it. Watching a few episodes in, I think how Matt sees and why he does what he does are central questions for the character across the

That's true! Money and story reasons aside, though, I would just love to see the show pick up even a B-List Marvel character to guest. There's plenty of Inhumans, even, to choose from on that front. I'd settle for Lockjaw, even. :)

I feel that the Avengers not showing up has more to do with not being able to afford the actors than any concurrent world events. The Inhumans stuff is pretty momentous, though the show does a bad job of conveying that, but I think if there were robots mauling even one major world metropolis, SHIELD would stop

Deathlok was a nice touch, but I'm going to be continually disappointed it's not one of the Avengers who shows up.

Pretty sure that Fitz says she's analyzing the cube's composition and dimensions, then asks why she would do that. I assume the conclusion he comes to is she's making a fake. The only reason to make a fake is to sneak the real one out. If he plays offended and leaves SHIELD, he can sneak the real cube out. I think

Agreed, though I'd caution against the audio book version. The reading is a little flat, I thought.

Vox Day deserves an order of magnitude more ball punishment than a simple kick.

Between this and The Flash, Tuesday, March 31st, 2015, shall go down in history as the best day in superhero television ever.

Couldn't agree more! Hamill is over-the-top, cheesy, and pure genius. Every show needs an actor like him selling the villainy. He's so energetic, so compelling.

I always think it would be impossible for me to hate Zack Snyder more. But then, he stays alive and keeps doing stuff.

Oh my god she would have been perfect.

I think one thing that every other Whedon-esque ensemble has had to build itself around is a strong, beating heart. A character and actor so interesting you understood why the ensemble was drawn into their orbit. You're dead on about Gregg. I think he's a great actor, but he worked so well as an unexpectedly competent

While I feel everyone here was gamely trying to push plot forward and inhabit their characters, the writing and direction keeps underserving the cast. The charismatic members aren't given a chance to be charismatc, the snarky members don't snark. I just wish the show felt more ok about the focus drifting away from

After getting eight episodes of Haley Atwell and James D'Arcy, I feel that the problem with AoS is less bland characters than bad casting. No one has the charisma to carry this show, and that's the long and the short of it. If just one person did, I feel the whole ensemble would come to life.

The tub seems un-Bat-related until you slip in and realize the drowned body of a former lover is also in there. VENGEANCE.

I do not believe a human being did that.

Depends on how you look at it. As a complex political statement, it certainly comes off as fascist-ish. I think that that's a story that's been told, and well, any number of occasions. Imho, the broader swathe of superhero-dom, though, is making a more human point about decision-making, and the power to choose. Or the