
I think Jarvis might have been more interesting as a woman, too. This is the greater shared universe interfering with the telling of a particular story, as it often does in Marvel properties, though. Jarvis is the model for Tony Stark's computerized butler jarvis, played by Paul Bettany, who will become a fully

Man. Cracking open the back story like that is the most dangerous ground for Arrow to tread, because it only points out how absurdly inconsistent it is. This was one the first episodes to make me desperate for season 6, when the whole flashback thing will be, by necessity, gone.

The dust settles, the final explosion having exploded. All's well. Tom and his crew make eye contact, smile. Against all odds, they've lived, yet again. Tom, understanding there are no more threats left to battle in the world, reaches up to touch his neck. "Tom Cruise?" says Simon Pegg. "What are you doing?" Tom slips

Ray's gone bye-bye. Egon has passed beyond the capacity for rational thought. Peter steps on churches in his own town. Winston saw too much shit that will turn you white. It's over. It's all over.

Yes, yes, yes to all of these, 1,000 times. Most especially 1, 4, 6, and 9. 1,000,000 times for them.

To be fair, it only exploded so the wearer wouldn't freeze to death. Priorities!

I dunno what kind of training Peggy had specifically, but she did just defeat six agents at once in hand-to-hand combat last episode. I think she's safely in Mike Tyson territory, as a fighter.

This time, though, they merged via bro hug, instead of after Ronnie became a flying ghost face.

I've heard rumors that they're gonna kill Steve at the end of Civil War. I don't want it, but the whole cast is in place.

Probably because they just use the same person who can draw on the production staff.

I sort of sensed in the final scene a juxtaposition of roles from the way the series began. Sherlock and Watson are living together and detecting together again, which is great for the show in the wake of Kitty's departure. I really enjoyed how supportive Sherlock was throughout the episode without being his usual

As soon as Joan almost bumped into the lady I was like, "Her cup was just poisoned and now Andrew will die." Procedurals show stuff that's incidental basically never, so when something incidental happens, it's always to set up a murder.

This episode moved a lot of much-needed things forward. I know Thea was made a distressed damsel twice here, but I'm kinda reserving my feelings about it until we see how it shakes out. In the show's logic, of course she wouldn't be a match for a League of Assassins member after one year of training with Merlyn. The

Everything with Iris is one step forward, four steps back. She takes out the Clock King, does nothing but serve as romantic foil for months. She lands a job at the newspaper and proves her gumption, pines after Barry whom she explicitly rejected because CW DRAMA everybody. Just, please. Two episodes in a row where she

Ha, yeah. The season still has three or so episodes to let me down. Thanks for the heads up!

Since I only watch a season of Justified when it becomes free on Amazon, I'm just now binge-watching Season 5. I have the great benefit of having had some of the events of the Season 6 premier spoiled, and watching in a compressed time frame. There's a lot of tablesetting going on, but Season 5 is not as bad as

I have never heard of this show until right now.

Oliver likes his secrets pretty good. My guess would be that defeating Rhas will ultimately mean revealing that the Arrow and Oliver Queen are one and the same instead of another character death. Which is about the place comic book Green Arrow lives in. Maybe the point at which Oliver finally calls himself the Green

Speed Racer's narrative comes off as trite, if all the genuine heart of the thing doesn't move you. I think it's a tough pill for some to swallow because the orgiastic, anime-influenced visuals take some getting used to, but they're over the top of a pretty simple, honest story, and John Goodman beats up a ninja. I

They would only believe if the kid was shot with a bat-shaped bullet.