
I mean, so is Calendar Man. Comic books can be very silly.

Episodes like this are why I watch things at all.

All you need to do is travel by dotted line!

"Crisis of Infinite Spidermans! Wolverine vs. Wolverine! Who is the best at what he does now? Hulks! So many Hulks! Hulks of different colors! Evil good guys! Good bad guys! Dogs and cats, living together!"

Mmm. I dunno. The midseason finale for SHIELD kinda begs to differ. It WAS a spy show. Now I think it'll have to become something. Let's hope it does a good job of transitioning, and the producers have just been saving tons of money for super special effects with their ridiculously bad sets.

Part of my deep and abiding love for the entire Dragon Age series has been speaking my mind, such as it is. In my life, I try hard to be an empathetic person, to listen to my friends' points of view, to find common ground for discussion, and I pretty much just do the same thing in the game. It's been really

Tell that to Dolly 2.0. She feels real.

Yeah, that bothered me too. People high stress positions tend to have very high emotional intelligence – they are not ruled by their feelings – or sociopathically low emotional intelligence, in that they don't experience those feelings the same ways as other people. The jilted lover angle was just about the least

I'm not sure how far you've read into it, but there's a point in the first book where Geder does a thing, and everything I thought I understood about the story went out the window. I personally really enjoy it, especially once, by the second book, the theme of war versus economics starts to move more toward the fore.

Agreed! His own all-encompassing epic, The Stormlight Archive, has battles of similar length at the climax of each book. Good stuff!

Very true! He's also good at writing characters that come off as very one-note archetypes at first, then slowing introducing situations and reactions which surprise me. And if a character seemed flat for a whole book, well the next one's out in a month, and he generally does a better job.

Yeah! The connection between the mechanics of his Cosmere and the tenets of Mormon faith are profoundly interesting to me, in a secular way.

A lot of writers get described as cinematic, but Brandon Sanderson might be one of the only people it actually applies to, in my opinion. His prose, during his action sequences, is so pared down, and effortlessly switches between focusing on the action and the way it make the characters feel, that I have emotional

Agreed. The narration is spot on.

I dunno. There were at least three extremely ambiguous choices in DA:I where party members were pretty split on their reactions, that I recall. I played them several different ways to figure out what choices I liked the best, but there was no, imo, obvious best choice in Orlais, for instance.

Interesting. Thanks for the context.

I will be interested to see what kind of love interest Detective Chimp never quite cements a relationship with.

Wow. I don't even know what to say about that.

There sure are a lot of human-looking white people in all the race of the galaxy.

Just had to pop in and say that my wife literally asked me "Is Glee still a thing?" after a preview for the new season the other night.