
I actually though this looked and felt a lot more like the show that Agents of Shield has always wanted to be. That Bobbi vs. Ward and 33 fight was great. Impactful, exciting. The super powers in these episodes looked good. And while the slow-mo the Skye vs Ginger Ninja fight wasn't the best, it had some style, as did

It was frustratingly difficult at certain parts. And you definitely couldn't just clobber you way through a level like you purportedly can in this.

Now might be an important time to stop Frank Millering.

So, I gather from this suit that they believe it should be illegal for artists to take inspiration from one another?

Lots, but not very many of them look good.

This season of Arrow, emblemized by this episode, seems to have lost its thread in all the drama. Without a strong villain, without a clear direction, the show wanders into true soap opera territory, simply trying to shock us over and over with the craziest thing that can happen. Which, no matter how crazy those

Smiling Laurel is a better fit for the actress, imo. The writers and Katie Cassidy have both stepped up their Laurel game an unfortunately lackluster season of Arrow, and watching her get to step outside the sad world of Starling City as it relates to Oliver Queen, even for five minutes, was a nice look at what she

I like the load screen's frequently displayed warning that interacting with them may break immersion, and you probably shouldn't.

Same! I feel like it sort of made the Northern passage on behalf other Marvel series on Netflix. The tone was good, the production values solid, the response very, very positive. I hope to see the other projects proceed in the vein.

While I concede that the series seeks to evoke a certain sense of verisimilitude, we're at the point in the narrative where characters' tragic flaws and secret strengths start to tell. For all its dark tone and introspective writing, Daredevil is still a pretty standard adventure story.

Ha, it's funny, I didn't read that sexual tension at all. Not that it would bother me, mind you. I just didn't see it. Every great love is a great friendship, but not every great friendship is a great love.

With you. I see a lot of people criticizing Foggy as a comedic cipher whom they cannot bring themselves to invest in emotionally, but I can think of several shows that did less to deepen more obnoxious characters later in the run and were praised for it. The flashbacks in the next episode are great.

"Do you bleed?"
"I feel that's been unequivocally answered already."

Darkman vs. Frowny Face!

I liked this episode. BUT what should have been a story about Matt and Stick lost a lot of air from the MCU tie-in to later mythos stuff. Like, the kid basically unnecessary. This is the one time in this entire series when I was like if I had not read the comics, I would have no idea what the fuck is going on, and it

Yeah, in this particular exchange, both Stick and Matt come off as emotionally stunted assholes with skewed sense of reality.

It's just called a Thor-way.

Agree on everything. More than the action choreography or plot here, I was hooked by the authentic emotional beats. One thing that always made older Whedon family shows watchable, even when they were slow, was the heart, and I haven't really felt that in AoS until this episode. But that final tableau of May, and Skye

A- for me. This is one of the first episodes of AoS I can remember having a real emotional reaction to, what with May at the end of that raid.

Yeah, totally. I'm not saying the review should be positive if the reviewer doesn't feel positively about the work. But part of a reviewer's job, imo, is definitely to provide context for their statements, so that both the reader and reviewed come away edified. As an artist and a writer myself, that's my litmus test