Hades is sooo good! I generally only do one run at a time, as I feel bummed when I lose all my progress at the end, but then I get right back into it a few hours later.
Hades is sooo good! I generally only do one run at a time, as I feel bummed when I lose all my progress at the end, but then I get right back into it a few hours later.
Fall Guys is one of only two Battle Royale games I’ve ever enjoyed - the other being Tetris 99 - and I think a lot of that is down to my youth spent on 2D and 3D platformers. It works really well for folks who’ve put a lot of hours into Mario, Banjo-Kazooie and their ilk.
You’ve got so many great games on the horizon! Doom 2016 and The Outer Wilds are both excellent experiences.
This weekend I’ll be playing Spelunky 2, appropriately enough, as I’ve already put a good ten hours or so in. It’s absolutely incredible, and I say that as someone who bounced off the original. Kudos Will for pointing out the turkeys, as I didn’t remember them from the original and they’re one of the main reasons that…
This expansion sounds very cool, and a solid deepening of the weird ephemeral plot that made Control so appealing. I’m grateful to finally have a Remedy game I enjoy!
Excellent points all around!
I often wonder what elements of the Soulslike genre contribute to its identity. Does it need to be opaque? Does it need to be especially challenging (and to whom)? Does it need to have community/multiplayer elements? What can be stripped away without it losing its shape?
This movie sounds incredible! I’ll put it on my list.
The vast majority of my Switch collection consists of indie games. It’s more or less an indie machine for me - I love it!
I’m pretty intrigued by Rygar. Never played it but I’m going to check it out on the NES Online service.
I was initially disappointed reading that you have some pretty hard limits on the degree to which you can mess up these houses, but continuing to read paid off: the apocalypse content sounds goofy as heck. Love the images.
Comfort food games? Gotta go with Pokemon. Probably HeartGold/SoulSilver or Sun/Moon. It’s so pleasant. Second would be Dragon Quest XI. Finally, Super Mario World is always a safe bet.
You’ve got me thoroughly hyped on this remake, though I’m afraid I’ll be waiting to play it as I just picked up the RE3Make last week (sorry Square-Enix, but Capcom will forever be my #1 1990s developer). I’ve heard very intriguing things about its plot, but it’s the promise of a tightly designed living space - a la…
Linkle is one of my favorite parts of Hyrule Warriors! She's so much fun to play as.
I liked aspects of MGS4 for sure, though I guess by and large it ends up feeling like the franchise's low point. At least David Hayter is at the top of his game.
This weekend I’m playing the RE3make, naturally. I’m beyond pumped (not least due to the strong showing it received here on the Avclub). I have my expectations slightly lowered from the magnificent RE2make, but that stands to reason given the difference in quality between the two titles’ source material.
I know this isn’t technically comprehensive, but I’ll be darned if you didn’t hit many of the greatest highlights! My personal favorite post-apocalypse is Hyrule in Breath of the Wild, as it has this sense of optimism that rubs some folks the wrong way but feels true to me. Kudos also for SMB’s land behind the…
I want to play FFXV but dearly, dearly want to not engage with the tie-in media. I hope Kingsglaive isn’t too critical. At least that art is beautiful!
Persona 5 Royal then.
Yes! I’ve been loving this game on Switch. It’s a perfect follow-up to the Ace Attorney trilogy (while also forging its own identity).