
We did get a GoldenEye article, and the comments were pretty fun. The Mortal Kombat article had some game coverage too.

Oh yeah, as for PC indie games, Transistor and Hollow Knight stand out. The latter is coming to Switch (someday) and I'm waiting for that, but I've heard it's brilliant. The former is one of my favorite games, but I'm not sure if it ever got published on PS4.

I was pretty disappointed that Digital Eclipse didn't come back for Legacy Collection 2, considering how excellent their work on the first one was. I suspect that Mega Man & Bass would have been included if DE was involved…

Wow, I'd never even heard of Endless Attack! I'm looking forward to getting this collection, but would prefer to play it on 3DS or Switch, which it is so far not being released on.

Hooray, welcome to the Switch club! If you're looking for friend codes, quite a few of us have them at this point.

Whoa, that epiphany is a good one - I'd love to read what you come up with, as I'd never thought much about the subject in a broad overview sense.

They're fantastic, thank goodness. The DS version is often considered the best, and I think heavily redrawn visuals would preclude that distinction.

Wow, this game looks lovely and the central mechanic sounds fascinating. Will definitely be checking it out (not least because you're one of the more thoughtful writers on games that I've encountered).

Ugh, I know what you mean about having a hard time actually sitting down and playing a game for more than a couple hours. Even on my vacation days I go a bit batty if I haven't done anything productive in a few hours. I blame my upbringing, haha, but at least it keeps the house clean.

I heard it described as the best James Bond game ever made, which I thought was apt.

That's a mind-blowing game, and one of the biggest surprises of 2016 to me. It's also the first game in that series that I've actually liked. The funny thing is that the core gameplay is something that I am typically opposed to, but the extraordinarily complex craft of its puzzle-box design still managed to pull me

Dare we dream that it's once again similar to the old standalone site? I'll keep my expectations low but my hopes high!

It's for this reason that I hope they never do away with Keyboard Geniuses!

I'd love to hear more about your trip, whether it involves games or not. With regard to the transition, I think we'll come out fine on the other side. If anything, it's a significantly less jarring transition than the move from standalone Gameological Society website to here, so we'll pull it off :)

Just a quick note: thank you so much to the AVClub staff for taking the time to migrate comments and offer the ability to generate a new commenter account with the same display name. That should go a long way towards easing this transition.

AVoCADo is indeed fantastic. Thank goodness for @Blarg posting that Games Thread every Monday.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I want to thank you too for taking the time to comment, especially in a non-native language! That's dedication, and it's part of what has made this community the best place on the internet for game discussion. It's weird to reflect on how much this virtual community means to me, but

That reminds me - I really need to download SplatNet, eh?

I remain pumped about your upcoming game. In the meantime, I found an article this week outlining a handful of unique games created in this engine already:…. Looks like RPG Maker Fes has more staying power than I'd initially anticipated!

Is it just me, or are the clothing options much more exciting in Splatoon 2? I find myself much more interested in picking up new gear at the shop than I was in the original game. Maybe it's the richer texturing, or maybe I'm imagining it, but I do so enjoy spending those well-earned SquidBucks.