
Maybe it'll all get eaten away, a la The Langoliers.

Goodbye to Reasonable Discussions Disqus Edition. Hello to Reasonable Discussions Kinja Edition.

There's a lot to criticize about how the brevity of the season or the absence of source material is harming Game of Thrones' capacity for coherent, meaningful storytelling, but the speed that characters move seems a bit much to be upset about. It's rather like being frustrated in Hamlet with how plausible it is or is

If anything, 1979 was absolutely worse than right now in terms of global stability. I mean, I'm not happy about right now, but we're 100% better off than 1979 in most ways.

Whew, you saved my brain from exploding.

This is good to hear. I really know nothing of the game's conclusion, so I'm going in completely blind.


Whaaa - I don't think I knew that you were Mid-Atlantic too (along with me, @m_squared:disqus, @LordStoneheart and a few others). Hooray for our club within a club!

They absolutely can if they make it a priority. Which is not to say, of course, that every company should or will make it a priority, particularly when a budget is tight. When using other locations and cultures that the ones shared by the creators, though, I think it would be best to consult local resources and/or

Whoa-ho-ho, awesome ranking on ARMS (even if it did go down). I just managed to pull my way up to Rank 8 last week, having a weird winning streak where I won every ranked battle I played against people even above my own score. Now I'm nervous about continuing, haha.

Well done on the ranks - I got promoted to B- this week on Tower Control, quite proudly, but had been promoted way too fast in Splat Zones (C- to B+ I think) and proceeded to get my butt kicked and weigh down my otherwise strong team every single round. Ugh.

Snake Pass is absolutely a must-play on the Switch. It's such a cool, distinct take on the platformer genre. I never did finish it, because there's a section in the final or penultimate level that's so utterly maddening it threatened to ruin my attitude on the game. I ended up giving up and, happily, continue to have

Hm… I wonder is "adaptation" would be a broad concept worth exploring in Mega Man? You've got the main character's ability to copy enemy weapons and, in Mega Man 6 and some X games (I think) modify his own structure to fly/fight. In the X series, you've also got Sigma who I recall adapting into various forms. Even

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence was my favorite manifestation of this trend.

Dawn of Sorrow is the Castlevania game, right? Your description sounds so much like Dark Souls.

To be honest, I think it's about as good as ever and I've been coming here since… 2012 I think. Good heavens, 5 years?! That can't be right. Anyway, there are maybe fewer articles than there used to be, but the content and discussions are just as good. The one thing I miss is Teti's voice, but c'est la vie.

Ahahaha, as a guy who's teetered off the side of levels to my watery demise many times, I know the feeling.

Oh crap, that recounting of epic tales reminds me - I wanted to let you know that you and I were playing Spla2n the other day and I inadvertently splatted you with the inkjet from across the map. I think it was the dock level (with the platforms that rise to become walls), and I was defending the middle area; my

I'm not proud to say it, but I've definitely gotten into the habit of getting new games with the intent of discussing them here - I used to just pick up stuff that was a few years old, but now I buy things new! Of course, most of what I buy new is (a) Nintendo stuff, which doesn't depreciate very much and (b) bought

AHHHHH that was excellent!!