
No way, that can't be true can it?

Good heavens, yes - I normally avoid illustrated features online in favor of more in-depth text stuff, but Nick's content has always been a can't-miss piece of the site.

Not going anywhere - we've format-shifted before and we'll do it again :)

Months later, I still encounter people talking about a system, location, or interaction of mechanics that I'd never even thought possible.

Avocado's great, though that initial Disqus landing page is a mess. Once you work out a system, it's swell (my personal method is to click [x] on the "Channel Topic" bar, then click "Latest" under Discussions, but who knows if what I see is the same for you). I can't stay away from the politics thread, and Monday's

It's an article, rather than any series of comments, but my favorite Gameological memory is likely still John Teti's perfect guide to the characters of Mario Kart 8:…. I think that was the moment that I knew this site was something special.

I think it's funny you mentioned the Sonic Mania animations. I'd been lukewarm on the game until seeing some video reviews of it yesterday that revealed the character animations, and my goodness are they slick. My heart has a huge place for lovely pixel art, and Sonic Mania clearly delivers on that front.

This weekend, I'll be playing Spla2n, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Overcooked.

I agree that the content would be interesting. I just don't think, given what we've been told about budget, that shooting it would have been practical. All of the aforementioned potential scenes include more days shooting at on-site locations and more episodes of actor appearances, each of which would require paying

If you look closely, you'll note that those visionaries at Sonic Team included a small slot in the back of Sonic & Knuckles that's just the right size for a Switch cartridge.

I'm largely in the same boat. It's strange to think that what I regard as the true Sonic the Hedgehog franchise consists of a mere 4 years (I think) despite the overwhelming majority of the IP's history occurring from 1995 to 2017.

This is quite intriguing to me, as Sonic CD is the only one in the original set of console games that I never played. Might need to finally remedy that, since it seems to have quite a good reputation two decades later. As a fun fact (that perhaps everyone but me already knew), I was recently shocked to discover that

I forgot it was even out for PC! If I can use the d-pad of my Wii U Pro Controller for it, that'll likely be the one I buy.

Thanks for this reply - I never played the Sonic Advance games but I was interested in them (not sure why I never got around to it). Same with Sonic Generations, actually. I really have to try those some time, presumably after playing Sonic Mania.

Ah, that's a drag. The original tune is not quite as compelling to me as that Super Mario World level complete song, but it's darned close.

This is great to hear - I've been on the fence about Sonic Mania for some time, as I don't recall the original games super-fondly in spite of having played them to death as a kid in the early 1990s.

Agreed on the final point. I've never resented helping someone move (and Lord knows enough people have helped me move - glad I finally own a house after years of apartments), but I have resented someone not actually having packed beforehand, or expecting folks to help unpack at the end. Bodies are there to get your

I would agree, but most of these actors are making quite a bit of money in each episode. The effects are an expense, but I don't think they'd have found an easy way to fill out three more episodes with no significant effects or major actors.

Curse this mother tongue!

Whaaaat? Picking people up/dropping people off at the airport is one of those little social obligations in the modern era, like helping friends move houses or carpooling when a coworker's car breaks down.