
This weekend I'm playing Spla2n, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Ironcast.

The rats are the worst. I was shocked that levels since that first rat one have actually been easier, simply because those punks aren't meddling with the kitchen. And really, shouldn't that be a health code violation? On the other hand, I guess having a kitchen on an iceberg or the deck of a pirate ship probably

Ahhhhhh, a new @WolfmanJew article! How the heavens shine upon me this day. Looking forward to reading it :)

I, too, was thoroughly amused by this.

This is my situation too, and it's effectively the same with fighting games. Others are inevitably much better than I am, especially online, so competitive multiplayer gaming really lost its luster for me after the N64 era. I'm happy that Splatoon and ARMS have brought me back into that world, but it's still maddening

It felt like a valiant but misguided effort, as is the way with most attempts to recapture a moment in time. It didn't do enough to have its own identity, and those with nostalgia for the original game had moved on.

Admittedly, I think it's important for every person to determine what "matters" for them, as it's difficult to establish an objective baseline for certain uses of time as mattering or not mattering. If achieving something on a game improves someone's sense of personal joy, and hasn't adversely impacted someone else, I

I'm with you. I don't think anyone in my circle of friends played Goldeneye after Perfect Dark was released. It was effectively the same game, but better.

Ahaha, I went down the Dreamcast path too, and regretted it quite a bit! Years later I would invest in the industry's second Dreamcast, the Wii U, but end up loving it rather than feeling like it was a mistake. You never know how these things will turn out, eh?

I did consider my purchase of Tokyo Mirage Sessions to be an investment, haha.

I had more at the beginning of last year than I do now - I sold a fair number of them, since I lacked the hardware to play them on and, given the rise of affordable emulation and virtual consoles, I suspected that their value would not be significantly increasing in the coming decade (and I have precious little

The funny thing is that one of the most vaunted games of this year, 'Everything,' will do exactly that!

I'm glad that @Drinking With Skeletons comment made it into KG - it's one of the more insightful things I've ever read about FFXII, comment or otherwise.

Mayo Mayo Mayo Mayo! It's so versatile.

I've been encountering a frankly scandalous number of furry-related illustrations recently. Like, a weirdly large number of the images in my Inkopolis Square are people putting up pictures and captions related to the furry subculture. WTF?

I've actually been playing through Twilight Princess Picross recently, strangely enough. It's engaging, though I agree with @avclub-989ca0fe3ec0682c7349593ff5feb4a4:disqus that it feels a touch shallow after Pokemon Picross (the only other game in this series that I've played!). Still I hope that Nintendo will someday

Knuckles Chaotix was one of my greatest gaming regrets as a child. I opted for a 32X rather than looking into any of the other contemporary hardware on the market, largely because I was a big Sonic fan (both the games and the comics) and really wanted a Knuckles game. As you can imagine, I was pretty disappointed, and

Horizon: Zero Dawn is one heck of a detailed looking game, isn't it? I'm primarily a Nintendo gamer too (I have a fancy PC, but that's mostly for indie games and emulating older console hardware), so I was quite startled seeing videos of HZD - what I saw made the best case for next-gen lighting that I've yet

This is one of the more interesting treatments of FFXII, and I wish I could have read it back when I played the game circa 2007. I remember loving the gameplay and world but not caring even a little bit about the plot, and being largely baffled by the conclusion. I'm looking forward to replaying if the remaster ever

Sounds quite exciting!