
I've never played a Wario Land game. Are they any good?

I've got extraordinarily specific and arbitrary egg rules. If they're scrambled it's ketchup. If they're fried like an omelet, particularly with other stuff in them (onions/peppers), it's hot sauce. If they're poached, they have their own sauce!

This weekend I'll be playing Spla2n, Overcooked and perhaps Kirby: Planet Robobot.

Oh shoot, this makes Pyre sound pretty great. I thought Bastion was very good but not mind-blowing, while Transistor is in my Top 20 games ever. I wasn't super sold on what I heard about Pyre's gameplay, but its pedigree is excellent.

I was impressed that when I finally played The Stanley Parable earlier this year, after having played so many of the more recent games in its genre, it held up as a paragon of the form.

Ah crap, I wrote a comment immediately above yours (if sorted by newest) that inadvertently tries to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. Environmental narrative is a good term for the genre.

I'm really hoping we get a better term for the genre. Maybe "exploration narrative" or something? They tend to foreground narrative and the chief gameplay elements involve nonviolent, probing interaction with one's environment.

This past weekend I mostly played Splatoon 2, but also took time to catch up on both Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 8 and The African Queen.

Glad you pointed out the logistical issue with the dragon glass - I was wondering the same, haha.

Overall I agree. I don't think Tyrion's plan was terrible, and if a few things hadn't gone the way they did, it would have likely been the better plan. It was, though, inefficient by comparison to a direct assault on King's Landing, which would have been the better route with the benefit of hindsight.

The Tyrells had lost virtually all of their influence and bannermen over the course of the last season - with the deaths of Mace, Margaery and Loras we can assume that the region's morale was crushed, and the scene last week or the week before, in which Jamie convinces the key bannerman (Randyll Tarly) to join up with

Admittedly, I don't think Euron's alliance with Cersei or the strength of his fleet were known at the time that all of these plans were set in motion. Tyrion's plans weren't bad, given the information he had when they landed, but the circumstances changed rapidly.

I've never tried this, but now I very well may!

Funny enough, we were giving tips to… someone on this last week or the week before. I stand by my choices - turn-based RPGs, ideally on a 2D plane (ha). As a person with easily stirred up motion sickness, the reduced movement is nice, and the simplicity allows you to get easily distracted and come back to what you

As a person who played and loved Human Resource Machine earlier this year, I'm afraid I must agree.

I was already mildly unhappy about gating 'Hard Mode' behind DLC in Breath of the Wild when I got Hard Mode included in earlier franchise titles, so you know I'm not pleased with the Samus Returns news.

"You know what not enough RPGs have? Programming scripts for party members."
- a Square-Enix exec, circa 2004

Forgot to note in WAYPTW, but I tried the demo of Hey! Pikmin and it was really fun! I'm likely going to hold off a bit on buying, because this seems like the sort of mid-tier Nintendo title that gets a nice discount someday, but it hits that "relaxing rainy day" vibe very well. Could also be perfect as an air travel

Amiibo walk a very, very tight line between offering bonuses that are so pointless as to render the system meaningless and bonuses that are significant enough to annoy folks about gated-off content. I prefer the former approach, since I really only get the amiibo of characters that I particularly like (and remain

Whoa, I don't think I have you registered on my Switch. Will do so tonight!