
Geez, now I wish we had that word in 'American'.

As a person who also tends to feel the same way, Splatoon is one of the only competitive online multiplayer games I've played over the past decade or so. I would tentatively recommend it.

Agreed wholeheartedly on the absence of voice chat. It was probably the key factor that got me into the original Splatoon, as I'd entirely left behind competitive online games due to the unpleasantness of that environment. I was worried when it was rumored to be appearing in Spla2n, but the implementation still keeps

I understand this approach, but remain mildly skeptical. Nintendo is perhaps the last great bastion of couch multiplayer, and they've doubled down on it with the Switch's excellent setup. Given that it was doable in the original game, where it was actually less accommodated by the hardware, it feels like a rather

This is good to know - I'd been misunderstanding from articles and a buddy with the game that matchmaking with friends was only possible using the app.

Aha - the one I'd thought made a return was indeed Bomb Rush, but I suppose the new variation is slightly different. No qualifier needed!

They had it in the original, but it was two-person only and wasn't very good. I'll confess that I'm disappointed they didn't prioritize a local splitscreen option in the sequel, especially considering that the joycons have gyroscopic functionality.

I'm very excited to pick this game up, as the actual playing of it is marvelous, but the weird stuff around the periphery - particularly Nintendo's insistence on a mind-bogglingly backwards app for matchmaking with friends - is frustrating.

Just a quick alternate reading - I didn't get a comic relief vibe from the Jorah/Sam scene. If I recall correctly, there was a comedic element to Jorah asking Sam if he'd done this before, but otherwise it seemed played for a reminder of how grim and experimental pre-modern medicine was.

You and me both, you and me both - but my professional life is at an ebb as well. Ugh.

That's what I've been doing. It's surprising how different it plays if you just change a handful of things - for me, not upgrading armor and avoiding fast travel really up-end the experience, along with (of course) Master Mode.

It's weird how compelling the feature is on 3DS, so I'm hoping it gets implemented on Switch at some point.

I tend to like something turn-based and stats-heavy when I travel. Odds are that I'm relaxing, and there's a decent chance that a lot of socializing is going on, so when I get time to myself it's nice to dig into a very slow-paced world. Over the last few trips I've taken, Fire Emblem and Pokemon have been in regular

If you're like me, you'll wait a few months and then just start playing Breath of the Wild again :-)

I had the lucky treat of telling (and showing) my wife what a Moogle was this week. She has cosplayed at conventions as Yuna from FFX and FFX-2 a few times, but that's where her familiarity with Final Fantasy begins and ends.

Hahaha, delightful. I'd never seen that.

I'm imagining it's a video card issue, as the only times I've had it happen since buying the PC in 2015 and the video card (GTX 970) in 2016 are when running No Man's Sky last year and Final Fantasy XIV only recently, despite owning the game for a couple of years (and not playing it much); with No Man's Sky, a game

I'll double-up on my post in the other thread by noting that what I'd like to be playing is Final Fantasy XIV, but my fancy-pants PC is giving me grief - after never having issues with the game before, it's now experiencing BSODs while running the game ("Critical Process Died" and "Unexpected Store Exception"). The

I can't express how amused I am that his title in the bracket is "Green Mario."

It was very, very challenging to choose between Captain Toad and Toadette, but I made my choice.