
Fine fine fine… this poll is apparently the thing that gets me onto Twitter. Who'd have thought?

If I was on Twitter, I'd totally vote for her (you)!

If it makes you feel better, material gathering for armor upgrades is entirely optional. I started doing it, realized I didn't enjoy it, and stopped. That definitely contributed to the game being consistently lovely for me!

I was one of the dummies who just skipped the single-player for two years, and only discovered it when trying to wrap up some missed Wii U content ahead of the Switch's release earlier this year. That is genuinely one of the best final bosses I've ever encountered.

Don't be embarrassed - I understand entirely. I've kept online multiplayer at arm's length for years, and have only really begun to embrace it through Splatoon, ARMS, Mario Kart 8 and Final Fantasy XIV. A major component that moved me away from the online format, back in the 2000s, was the introduction of voice chat.

Whoa, did you exclusive play Splatoon's single-player content? I hadn't heard about anyone doing that, but I'm happy that it was engaging enough not to prompt you into multiplayer, which is normally accepted to be the meat of the game. The aesthetic enough is pretty compelling, no doubt. I haven't heard anyone comment

As a person who didn't use rollers, I'm pretty happy that Kraken has been abandoned. Well, I confess I may end up missing those moments where I was about to splat some poor schmuck and s/he turned into a Kraken, wrecking me or at least chasing me a good distance. It was, admittedly, pretty exciting.

Psh, I like Pearl! Not as much as Marina, mind you, but I find the bizarre little gremlin concept pretty humorous. Of course, I'm also a fan of Tingle, so my taste may just be awful.

I adored Spla2n during the Splatfest, and am consequently rather sad that it's the first big Nintendo release this year that I've wanted but can't pick up at release. Summer is usually mega-bill season for me, and especially this year (annual car insurance, annual community association charge, and a big bill for dog

This is so charming to me - I originally got into games by watching my dad play the original Super Mario Brothers back in… 1990 or so, and it's cute to see that happening again with younger folks.

I'm pretty happy that I'm not the one hosting the event tomorrow night!

Amazon keeps screwing up pre-order shipping, and at this point has even failed to deliver my Prime Same-Day Shipping on a few occasions after guaranteeing it. I'm starting to wonder if they have really bitten off more than they could chew with regard to the online shipping market.

Yeah, it's the board game. We have blocked out a whole evening, so it should work well. I'm in the same boat as you - I have a handful of boardgames I love (Chess, Ticket to Ride, Chronology, Mysterium), a handful that I've played (Checkers, Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity [yuck], 7 Wonders, King of Tokyo

This weekend I'll be playing ARMS, Ever Oasis, and Arkham Horror

If you haven't played it recently, it might be a rough revisit. Alternately, if you didn't have a bunch of experience playing the console SMB games, it might also have felt less jarring at the time.

Yeah, she's active over at the AVoCADo. We were just chatting on the political thread there yesterday. And I'd agree that the level of commenting here (outside my precious Gameological Society) has slightly diminished in the past year or so with an increased appearance of misogynist trolls.

It feels like a headline you'd see on Slate. :-(

Not looking good. Unsurprising, but still disappointing.

This is part of what makes a couple of Mario games stand out - Sunshine is the most obvious example, but I'd argue that Dinosaur Land is quite similar, as are many (but not all) of the Paper Mario worlds. It's intriguing that a series with such strongly centralized creative control would have room for both of these