
Yeah, I doubt this commenter had any ill intentions. Heck, I don't think I'd be super happy with the Switch library ten years ago - my tastes now make it very palatable (a love of indie games and tight gameplay-oriented platformers) but if I was really into heavy narrative games or lengthy RPGs, I'd be waiting on the

I've been really happy with the library so far (and it's bigger than I'd have expected, to be honest), but there are some legit genres not being particularly represented. I mean, if you're really in standard JRPGs for example, you've got… Disgaea 5. If you're really into racing games you've got… Mario Kart 8 and Fast

I didn't know this until reading the comments here, and it makes so, so much sense. The two games share a colorful aesthetic, busy backgrounds that reward spectators paying attention, and an insistence on making competition feel inherently fair in spite of skill disparity. I mean, you could say that about a lot of

Brace yourself for an idea that came to me the other day: Splatoon Tower Defense. The towers shoot ink, enemies leave ink trails (or otherwise exude ink) of a different color. You've got little inkling defenders, a la Kingdom Rush, but they can only move efficiently to counter opponents if your towers are laying down

Agreed. I had matches where I'd pick a good loadout and still lose - the ones I virtually always won were matches where I came in with a good strategy and rapidly executed it. Not a game I'd play for more than an hour at a stretch, with the combination of mental focus and physically moving around (I played motion

I loved those double-jumps. In particular jumping up and in one direction, then jumping a second time in the opposite direction.

I thought this was fascinating and telling. It actually even replicated my own experience - I played more as Ninjara, but won more as Ribbon Girl. I think she's a touch more balanced; wouldn't swear, but I believe her hits were stronger and she didn't sacrifice too much mobility.

Oh yeah, I definitely developed a Ninjara technique in my short time with the game. I would gain distance, then throw a punch, dash in, throw a punch, dash in, and jump up (since by this time the enemy often tended to shoot out a grab), launching a grab down at my foe on the ground. I alternated it with plenty of

Me too - it's one of the reasons I haven't owned a fighting game since the early 2000s. Happily, ARMS is just bizarre enough (along with the knock-on bonus of punching IRL to direct a punch in-game being consistently exciting) to pull me in. I hope the community doesn't get so good so fast that they freeze me out

Splatoon really is an exercise in how to perfectly design a game interface.

Nintendo's continued insistence on making voice chat difficult is a pretty significant factor in my playing their online games almost exclusively.

I've said it elsewhere, but as a person who doesn't enjoy fighting games (at least partially because their so technical and I get my butt kicked any time I play), ARMS works for me. It's just new and weird enough, along with lacking some of the memorization game of other combo-oriented fighters, that a rookie like me

As a person who doesn't typically play fighting games, this pulled me in. Heck, I think the last fighting game I enjoyed was Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I really need that level of absurdity and some distinct hook to pull me in, and the visceral excitement of the in game punches mirroring my real-life punches is exactly that

It's also breathtakingly ignorant of even recent history. I mean, the Troubles weren't that long ago, you know?

Conspicuously, Francesca's not wearing an engagement ring and I think she's wearing a different shirt.

Huh… I wonder where I read that!

Oh crap, I was going to share a link with you to a knock-off PS3 controller I bought that was significantly cheaper than the proper Sony version (but works just as well), and apparently it's been de-listed from Amazon. In any case, it was sold by a Chinese company bewilderingly called Farmer In The Glen - maybe it's

There was a rumor of the full Dark Souls trilogy, but that does feel a touch too ambitious (much as I'd appreciate it). That said, I wholeheartedly agree with your pipe dream hope - seeing From take on a Nintendo property would be fascinating. Was it your article that speculated about a From-developed Metroid? That

Yeah, I was thinking about From Soft too. They were listed on that 3rd Party Support doc released by Nintendo, so I'd love to hear what they're planning to publish on the Switch.

I do like the idea of buying a $700 phone to play a <$5 game.