
If you're interested in MGS and have a PS3, I'd strongly recommend the Metal Gear Legacy Collection. You get every game published in the series from 1987 to 2012, aside from Portable ops, and all are in HD aside from the original MGS for PlayStation (though with the console's smoothing and Kojima's excellent art

My wishlist is pretty much Switch-centric: (1) a Virtual Console announcement with Gamecube games, if I'm getting really optimistic; (2) an announcement of Pokemon Stars, if indeed such a game exists; (3) an announcement that the Seiken Densetsu trilogy is being localized; (4) a projected date/more info for Octopath

Here is mine: SW-6251-7195-0434. I'm friends with LittleMac and DrFlimFlam on there so far, but nobody else. if you don't add me first, I'll add you this evening before the TestPunch.

Aaaargh, you got this in before I could, you devil!

See you in the ring!

Glad to hear how much you enjoyed Breath of the Wild. Like it did for you, it skyrocketed into my Top Ten, and I'm pretty pumped about replaying it later this year or next year with the expanded content. It's funny, but since I completed it in March, I just keep wanting to get back into that world and explore some

Plus PS3s are not super expensive. I got one for about $100 in 2015, I think.

As a counterpoint to the reasonable opinion offered above, if I was buying a PS4 now, I'd opt for the Pro even without a TV capable of its slick output for two reasons: (1) if I understand correctly, the processor is a significant improvement to the Pro, so games like The Last Guardian actually play better, and (2)

The interview would be fascinating, and might be worth writing even if he conclusively stops the game at some point. It's such a gamer's game, for lack of a better vocabulary, that it's genuinely insightful and interesting to hear a true outsider's perspective. I think his take on the experience as a "world" he gets

Tackle. String Shot. Tackle. String Shot. Tackle. String Shot. Tackle. String Shot.

Neat! Here are a few quick tips:

I think the Spla2n chat setup seems dumb as bricks, but I hadn't planned to use it, so I don't have any strong opinions on it. One of my favorite aspects of the original Splatoon was the absence of voice chat, so I'm something of a Phillistine.

Where are you going in Ireland?! I just went last year, despite not having an interest in the country (I was meeting friends there), and absolutely fell in love with it. Hit me up for any tips if you haven't been swamped with them already.

I remember hearing about Islands: Non-Places when it was released, and couldn't until now recall the title - thanks for the reminder!

Yes. It caused me to abandon Parasite Eve despite being 3/4 of the way through the game, and roughly the same situation occurred in Final Fantasy Tactics. There's really no reason that games have that issue built into them - creating some kind of fail state with the ability to backtrack slightly isn't revolutionary,

Oh yeah, absolutely. I have some good stories on this, but am unable to share them at the moment :(

Whoa, what happened here? Keyboard Geniuses on the AVClub's front page? 630+ comments?! This is rather out of the ordinary…

Ahhhh, I keep hearing about Nier and I'm looking more and more forward towards picking it up at a great discount by year's end. I did the same with Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 3, which were well worth their starting price, but 50% is too compelling to refuse!

What I find intriguing is that a number of high-profile games encountered issues with motion sickness in a fairly short time from 2014-2016. One wonders why this hadn't been an issue previously, or if it had, why it hadn't been as present in the conversation over games. I never ran into it with The Witness, weirdly,

Oh yeah, good call on the other games. I find it intriguing that each of the games you mentioned address cinematic/narrative storytelling improvements in different ways: MGS went with a pretty straight film approach, Ocarina of Time was more rooted in gamey mechanics (Link still never speaks text dialogue, and no