
You know, I saw you say you'd completed the desert and I didn't want to spoil your good mood but in the back of my mind I was cringing :)

You're a regular Alexander the Great!

*snap* "Switch!"

That's what I hear! Funny enough, I tried starting it back when it was new, but got distracted and never went back (to that or any later entry). Looking forward to it.

True - I actually have two sets of Joycons, so one set stays in the grip and one set stays attached to the console. I swap them when necessary for charging purpose. Of course, in almost three months of owning the console (and in one of those months playing a frankly irresponsible amount of BotW) I've never had my

The charging dock is entirely useless, and I've never liked motion controls in Mario Kart (your mileage may vary, of course). I mean, the Joycons get 20 hours per couple hours of charging while attached to the console, so it's difficult to envision a scenario where you'd need them to charge independently. Maybe if you

If it makes you feel any better, DS3 is likely the best entry in the franchise! Enjoy (and let us know if you need someone to team up - I think there's a way to specifically join players in the third game).

I've got a potentially outstanding gaming weekend ahead of me. A friend is in town from Saturday to Sunday, and my wife and I will likely invite a couple other people over for a board game/Wii U/Switch party game night. Woohoo!

Did you see the Polygon review? They definitely ragged on it for not being game-y enough, and explained that the puzzles were too easy, which is simultaneously good to know (i.e. "don't buy this game for the puzzles") and a bit beside the point, as it doesn't seem to be what the game sets out to do. I'd recommend

I tried to find a version of this online just now, available from some digital retailer, so I could help folks take your advice to heart, and it looks like you were entirely right in noting that it's never been ported to modern systems. How weird. GOG has three different versions of the original game, along with every

I dearly loved The Witness, but it's telling that I went a month or two without playing it when my job became significantly more challenging/intellectually draining last year :)

Neat! Looking forward to catching this when it releases on Switch later in the year.

The reaction to Persona 5 here has been pretty interesting - it's been largely beloved by the commentators, with some notably (and eloquently stated) exceptions, but the editorial staff did not seem to engage with the game in a positive way. Which I'd say is not a bad thing at all - the Game In Progress feature allows

It's intriguing to me that I went through a long period of fighting enemies near the start, then a long period of avoiding or ignoring enemies in the mid-game, then ended up fighting them again quite a bit once their strength improved and my weapon selection was pretty extensive. It really is a game that lets you play

This seems like a pretty brilliant counterpoint to the review's central thesis (which is itself an interesting reading of the game). Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to exploring these interpretations more once I finally get around to playing the darned thing.

I was shocked when I watched a video a couple of years ago on how that character was designed, and it really brought home to me just how artistically gifted Shigeru Miyamoto is.

I think Santa Claus is an apt comparison, actually, and not one I ever would have thought of! He too is fairly specific - a bearded, fat old man who lives at the North Pole and delivers gifts on December 25 - but remains ill-defined enough, in some critical ways, to make him a popular character in numerous places at

You kind of have to wonder how that Mario appeal works. He's not vague enough to let you be super-interpretive, but he's not specific enough to have a compelling character arc. I mean, he's always a stout Italian plumber whose primary ability is jumping. Very little about that sounds appealing, and once game mechanics

I'm kind of surprised how intrigued I was by the announcement. I've been out of Sonic games since… the Dreamcast era? I'm not sure, but I think Sonic & Knuckles was the last one I completed. Anyway, the possibility of having a bizarre self-designed avatar is strangely appealing - I hope to make mine as unmarketably