
I love love love this oddity. Even in a year that Nintendo managed to discontinue their extraordinarily lucrative NES Classic, releasing a Pokemon game only in Italy may be the most inscrutably Nintendo decision possible.

I'm 100% buying that Splatoon Pro Controller (assuming Nintendo has worked out the d-pad issue by then). I was hoping for some horrifying, garish Switch accessory - ideally one that would only get used in my living room - and Splatoon has delivered.

It's kind of an intriguing conundrum if looked at through the lens of "immersion." On the one hand, an indicator of new conversation bits might be immersion-breaking, revealing more clearly the game's internal systems; on the other hand, isn't having an NPC repeating identical text a bit immersion-breaking to begin

Oh crap, that one's my favorite and I didn't even realize the pipe was a breast pocket. Awesome!

Cool link, thanks for sharing it. I don't wear a lot of t-shirts outside of exercising, so I'll probably not purchase any, but some of the designs are quite cool. I'm especially fond of Mr. Resetti, the Splatoon squid, and the pipe with Mario & Luigi poking out the top.

I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Endless Ocean 2. I really need to check that out someday.

Oh my goodness, I hadn't checked your page on Source Gaming in a while and it turns out you've published a bunch of fascinating articles since last I visited. I know what I'm going to be reading in the near future!!

That's legit. It's worth every penny at the asking price, but it's always preferable to get a deal.

I strongly second @disqus_U61L2lmPgr:disqus's final sentence.

Absolutely! The Tarrey Town music, and even the musical cue that plays when someone joins the town is one of the game's sonic highlights.

Oh yeah, also that Guardian moment is incredible and thoroughly unexpected. I was shocked that I survived the encounter!

Alrighty - you actually build Tarrey Town from the ground up, and initiate that quest by buying the vacant house in Hateno Village. It's one of the game's most rewarding sidequests, but can also be one of the more challenging ones. I'd encourage initiating it as early as possible, since completing it will be easiest

Hm… I'm afraid any information I give about Tarrey Town might constitute a spoiler. I will say that you won't find it by wandering around. If you'd like more info, I can give it :)

Glad you made it to Akkala - it's one of my favorite regions in the game. The Autumn look is really pretty, and it features the best town (eventually), Tarrey Town! Plus that kooky scientist is delightful.

I forget, have you tried Snake Pass? If you liked Yooka-Laylee, you might enjoy it as another throwback to '90s 3D platforming, but with some very innovative design elements.

This weekend I'll be attending a cousin's graduation party - at which a disturbing number of relatives are… of a social/political persuasion that I find very challenging to be around - but after that it'll be time for What I'm Playing This Weekend:

That platformer quirk drives me bonkers, and I say that as a long time fan of the genre. It's an area where Super Mario Maker subtly and weirdly improved on the masterpieces from which its art assets were derived.

I'm rapidly ascending the ranks in online Puyo Puyo Tetris, which I thoroughly enjoy - I'm up to 31st place in my home state, which is pretty sweet. Using my office lunch breaks to practice, too! It's so strategic, particularly for such a colorful game.

Stories not bothering to have either decisive conclusions or intentional, meaningful ambiguity at the end is a major pet peeve of mine. A story can exist and be compelling without a decisive conclusion - heck, a ton of Japanese cinema is very much in this vein - but ending your story with a sequel hook is so, so lame.

I'm with you - I think what SEGA was doing in the Saturn/Dreamcast era is more fascinating and less explored than what it was doing back on its 16-bit hardware. Jet Grind Radio and Skies of Arcadia are the two biggies that spring to my mind, but I'd agree with your inclusion of Crazy Taxi & Panzer Dragoon. The funny