
There are so many layers to the issues in game preservation. The biggest one, of course, is that companies control these intellectual property rights and don't see preservation or open-source sharing as contributing to their business interests. The other major issue, to me, is that complexity of systems that permit

As a person actually employed in the archival field, I largely concur with your assessment. The "digital dark age" issue is well-documented, and is one that we, as a group of professionals, are working on, but most organizations are too poorly funded to adequately devote resources to solving the problem. Given the

There are a lot of people seeking to prevent this apparent inevitability, but the environment has made it pretty hard to archive electronic games - our descendants will be pretty disappointed, no doubt.

I felt weirdly sick to my stomach after watching a certain Game of Thrones episode in which a character's head is crushed during a duel. I think a fair amount of it was my emotional investment int he character, but it was pretty grisly to watch, too.

I don't know how much you want spoilers, but I can offer you some helpful information on the King of the Beasts if you'd like. Additionally, I agree that the Hebra skeleton was crazy hard to find. Once found, though, you realize you located one of the cooler isolated environments in the game.

Oh, that's a deep cut. Did you know that there are two fairly different versions of it? If memory serves, there's one for GBA and one for PSP? I think I got that right. Anyway, they depict the same game on radically different hardware setups, though I don't think the core gameplay is altered.

The Switch is so good, and I like it a little more with each passing week. I can't make too strong a case for it, since the library is necessarily a little anemic compared to its competitors, but the portable/console hybrid idea works so, so, so much better than it ought to. It has the unfortunate consequence of

I'm slowly getting to the awkward point I've heard others describe where, when I think about firing up a game on my PC or Wii U or PS3, I think how much I'd rather be playing anything on the Switch. It's a strangely seductive piece of hardware - it shouldn't feel as revolutionary as it does, given that it effectively

Agreed. In retrospect, I'm not sure there are any games outside of Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Metroid Prime, Xenoblade and Skyward Sword that I'd look to as Wii-era classics. Oh, probably Epic Yarn too, but I still haven't played that. Wii U on the other hand was firing on all cylinders, though the broader software

I've given The Witcher 3 two large attempts, but never made it past the Bloody Baron quest (likely a few more hours on from where you quit). I think my hang-up with it is very similar to yours. I loved the visuals and the world-building of the game, and the characters actually seemed very richly drawn, but the overall

Another pro-tip on horses, if you don't mind the immersion-breaking: just visit a stable and have them "teleport" your horse there. There's no fee, or anything, and it gets around the problems associated with getting your horse out of a difficult situation. I suspect part of the reason that the horses are a little

I'd be interested to host in July. June 8 is my wife's birthday so… I'll likely not be around for that one.

Get productive before Puyo Puyo Tetris - it's exactly the kind of game that you start and then look up to find that two hours have gone by. As for Breath of the Wild, good luck on the last ten shrines. It gets very hard to find them at the end, but I don't think there's any shame in looking the last few up if it's

Oh yeah, "Karamel" was my wife. She joined in for a few races towards the end of the 9:00 - 10:00 EST hour.

WHAT?! I'll get right on that - had no idea.

Yeah, I wish I'd had the good sense to pick the same name I am everywhere else when I made my Wii U account, but oh well. Chrs it is. I only clearly associate people between their MiiVerse ID and their Gameological account half the time. Here are the ones I know off the top of my head:

It's SW-6251-7195-0434. Hope we can play Bomberman or Puyo Puyo Tetris some time!

Oh man, my last game of Mario Kart on the 8th ended in the most climactic way possible. I zoomed by you on the last curve, you threw a boomerang, it missed me and I avoided it; I got closer to the goal and saw the boomerang fly past me again this time, celebrating that I dodged it before realizing the inevitable; it

To be fair, you may well love it. I haven't encountered anything but praise for it online - hence my purchase - and I'm almost certainly an outlier. The weird thing is that it feels like a good game, but one that I just can't quite connect to for one reason or another.

Oh man, kudos on Bomberman. I'm laughably bad at the online mode, though I do love it even when I'm losing. Of course, the poor connection trouble - possible on my end rather than my opponents - contributes to a lack of motivation to frequently play it. To be honest, my one key criticism of the Switch is its poor