
Horses are also extremely helpful for fighting Guardians, since they offer a jumping point to get that slow-motion ancient arrow targeting done.

I went through phases with my horse riding. I rode horses pretty often upon my first visit to an area, then not that much as I completed closely proximate objectives or fast-traveled to distant points, then came back to using horses late in the game to explore the spaces in-between shrines as I sought to complete all

The Netflix thing is interesting. I'm simultaneously one of the people who really wants Netflix on the Switch, as the Wii U has been my household's standard Netflix device since we bought it, but am happy to wait for its implementation. I can't say I wouldn't be disappointed if the Switch never got streaming services,

I was pretty disappointed to hear that criticism of Breath of the Wild's DLC. I'm exactly the kind of person who tends to make that sort of criticism, but this doesn't feel like an appropriate example. Breath of the Wild is one of the most complete, well-crafted, engaging experiences of the past decade, and the idea

I used to like controllers for FPS games, despite growing up with Half-Life and its ilk on the computer, but Splatoon finally broke me of this (OK, it's a third person shooter, but still-). I found, once I got my head around the motion controls, that going back to aiming with the right stick is utterly maddening. It

Whoa, kudos on the fibonacci success. I saw that optional puzzle and noped right the heck over to the next required one instead. Unfortunately, my job becoming incredibly stressful and intellectually exhausting over the past two weeks has kept me from playing any more Human Resource Machine, but I'm looking forward to

Man that sucks. I have two little dogs - one yorkie and one chihuahua/dachsund combo - who can be pretty obnoxious and we've specifically avoided dog parks for this very reason. Plus we finally got them started on professional training a week and a half ago, because I really dreaded the idea of one of them biting

Welcome to the party! It's an incredible game - good luck finding those shrines, as their puzzles are some of the game's best moments.

It's amazing that, for a launch decried as weak, I have neither the time nor the funds to actually obtain and play everything interesting on the console. Nintendo 64 this ain't.

It reminds me of Dark Souls in that I got pretty frustrated the first day I was playing it, and moved on to other stuff, but I just kept thinking about movement strategies, and the various bonus abilities, and couldn't wait to get home and try it again the next day. My interest has only increased each day, regardless

Oh my goodness, guys, Tumbleseed is incredible. I bought it on Wednesday and have logged a few hours in it already. It walks that line between maddening and rewarding so, so carefully, and backs up its central gameplay loop with an utterly lovely and memorable world. Plus the actual mechanics, which consist of exactly

I can see this perspective, but Mario 3D World is one of the most compelling games in that series. It offers up some very straightforward early design, but the back half of the game features some of the tightest, most challenging 3D platforming that has yet been produced. If you enjoy Mario games, and can get ahold of

If you say so, though I found that the Wii U featured their best games since the Nintendo 64 at least.

Oh yikes, this is super-disappointing. Rabin was one of my favorite writers at AVClub, and MWOF was one of its best regularly appearing columns.

Thanks for clearing that up!

I don't know how I missed the original question. Sorry for being oblivious :-)

Oof, this is the second instance of poor reading comprehension in my day. Sorry about missing that.

Is this in response to a different comment? I can't find the connection between @disqus_O9CsmwQErc:disqus's post and your reply, but I may be too obtuse.

Per my response to @disqus_zwqP3XtS0B:disqus below, I'd advocate for a Switch in your situation. On a purely rational level, it offers the possibility for more entertainment than its predecessor does. I love the Wii U, but it won't be getting any more games and if there aren't many you missed that you'd enjoy, you can

Agreed. With these consoles, pretty much Nintendo hardware post-SNES, you have to sort of expect you won't get major cross-platform or third party releases and be pleasantly surprised when you are proven wrong. I love the Nintendo and indie titles, along with a bevy of Atlus content, but if I didn't enjoy those, I