
We don't need no stinking DX! Lousy elitists ;-)

When will I remember to just set a darned cellphone calendar reminder? There is literally no reason I wasn't there aside from forgetfulness, as I'd arrived home from a friend's 31st birthday cookout at 8:00 PM and was looking for some chill Wii U downtime. Arrrrgh.

Thanks for the reminder about that balloon sidequest. That was one of more peculiar, momentarily amusing ones. That kid just loves stuff that floats, eh?

Have you hit those keese swarms with a bomb arrow or the lightning forcefield? It's spectacularly grim/fantastic.

I'd be interested in this too. I heard it was a touch generic, and therefore inessential in the face of more distinctive games, but that's a dim memory without much foundation.

Heck yeah - Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild are neck-and-neck for the status of "My Favorite Zelda Game," but I think I'll just need to be content with a tie - MM is better at low-key, meaningful storytelling and BotW is better at the central game mechanics.

That seems to match the broader coverage. It was either Polygon or Destructoid who gave it one of the worst scores available. This is such a shame, too, since the game is gorgeous.

We should trade Friend Codes if we haven't already, as I too downloaded the Team Kirby game and want to play online (assuming that's a feature). My code is 0276-1588-9867 (name: Chrs).

A new mechanic for the final boss/confrontation is right up there with escort missions as a video game trope that just needs to be put to bed.

Oh yeah, true - my wife and I made the leap to a second set of joycons (neon, woohoo!) when we wanted to have friends over for Bomberman, and I knew we'd be playing ARMS in the future. It's worth it, but they're way too expensive.

I believe Mario Kart is confirmed to have multiplayer on a single unit, and that's true for a number of Switch games, including the upcoming ARMS. There is a credible rumor, though, that Splatoon 2 will not have local multiplayer, which I don't mind since my wife has a hard time with dual-stick controls and the


It's hard not to sound like a shill when defending a large company's products, isn't it? Haha. Agreed with you on the dock - the whole affair feels a little ludicrous. Why are they selling them for $90? Why can't you just run HDMI out from the console itself? The Switch is a thoroughly cool piece of tech, but it has

I'm still mourning Nintendo's apparent abandonment of the clamshell design. That's a classic feature that's not something I ever would have thought of, but is absolutely perfect in design and execution.

Surprisingly, the Switch remains quite durable by modern standards:…. I mean, quality of life certainly degrades, but I'd suspect this is true on a previous console that experienced physical trauma as well - that burned Gameboy might run just fine, but I suspect the screen and/or ergonomics

As an owner of a Switch, I suspect the hardware issues are somewhat overstated; the only one that seems to be legitimately widespread is the Joycon syncing issue, and I haven't even run into that one. My unit, and many others, work fine.

I remember being intriguied by MH Stories when it was originally released in Japan, and getting kind of a Dragon Quest meets Pokemon vibe from it, but the localization preview didn't move me. Maybe I'm just JRPG'd out? Anyway, sell me on it - was it a hit in Japan? Would people who like the idea and aesthetics of

I watched the Ever Oasis thing again yesterday, and was again amused at the quiet absurdity of the whole Grezzo guy - here's a built-looking guy wearing a black leather jacket, holding a cute penguin plush (with no obvious tie in to the game; I don't think the penguins appeared in this video, though they've appeared

I'd love to discuss the Nintendo Direct! Funny enough, I was going to start a thread on this, but you've thankfully already done so.

I will be primarily engaged in Catholic Easter festivities, but that's no excuse to avoid games altogether :)