
Haha, true - it's been so long since I engaged in a troll conversation that I spoke in good faith.

This is a good point - at this moment in my life, I likely have more stocked up games than I have time to play, even if I stopped obtaining new ones at this moment; that certainly mitigates against the feeling that I'm being drip-fed content.

Ugh, so obnoxious. On the plus side, as @tavernacle:disqus says below, you can always solve this issue by just not re-buying. I think the only game I've bought more than once is Super Mario World, and that's because, as it's a game I missed out on when I was a kid (despite desperately envying friends who owned it),

It's Nintendo's term for re-released classic games, emulated on their modern consoles. It's not tricky to figure out, and given that I'm basically just repeating what others have said, I suspect you are being willfully obtuse.

As a consumer, I actually really appreciate this. The flow of games is steady enough to not feel like a drought, but infrequent enough to prevent a dip in quality assurance. Whatever issues they have with supply issues, Nintendo has entirely won me over through the past few years with their commitment to innovative

Eh, as an owner of a 3DS and a Wii U I've found their software over the past 5 years to be extraordinarily high-quality. Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Stretchmo, Splatoon, Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Pokemon X/Y,

They've been a little hard to get, at least in stores. You'd likely have better luck online, but I suspect they'll become universally hard to find in a few months.

It sort of sounds like you knew what the Virtual Console was, and you were just looking to angrily make a point. Which, fair enough, this is the internet and you can do it, but it comes across as unreasonable to give folks like @tavernacle:disqus a hard time when they answer your question in good faith.

Not a lot! I'm continuing to play SMT: Devil Survivor, and got a few puzzles completed in Stretchmo. Splatoon was a good time over the weekend, but it started to drive me crazy this week as I lost every ranked match due to squadmates not bothering to work towards the objective. Like, they have a whole mode for just

I'm strongly prefer a gamepad, and of the ones I've tried, the Wii U Pro Controller remains my favorite; I even use a weird workaround program to link it to my PC! I tend to prefer standard camera, rather than inverted, but sometimes like the reverse - I suspect @PaganPoet:disqus below gets at the heart of that

Oh my goodness, I think you may have cracked the code for me. I thought I preferred inverted, but recently have typically skewed towards standard camera and I didn't know why sometimes I liked one over the other. I'll bet you hit the nail on the head - the brain does weird compartmentalization sometimes, doesn't it?

Good points. I had Shovel Knight years ago on the PC, but I'm planning to pick it up again for the Switch with all of the added content (though, if memory serves, anybody who owns the original gets the added content for free). Eh, I figure I have some spare cash and will kick a few bucks to Yacht Club games for their

May I suggest Snipperclips, Fast Racing RMX, Snake Pass, and/or Shovel Knight? All great games, and all on Switch :)

Yeah, even some of us who have a Switch aren't planning to get Mario Kart. I mean, it's effectively the exact same game as the Wii U version with a few (admittedly beloved) additional characters and a battle mode, which has always been my least favorite way to play. Having it be portable would be cool, but not $60

Solid advice.

You won't get any really substantive playing done on public transit, if my experience is anything to go by, but it's a great way to enjoyably pass the time. I guess a lot of it hinges on how well you can multitask - regularly checking your surroundings to determine how close you are to your destination. I don't think

It's a weird thing to say, but Atlus is top-notch at UI and menu design. Strangely, the menus of Tokyo Mirage Sessions were one of my favorite aspects!

Wow! If there was a competition for such things, she'd be a champ.

Bumblebees are great, unlike their wretched cousin, the hornet.

Cool! I was aware that a new one was coming out soon, but didn't know that its scope would be dramatically larger. Funny enough, I was actually quite satisfied with the size of Steamworld Dig, as I do feel sometimes that games bloat beyond their capacity to remain interesting. Still, Image & Form is about as