
I was stuck at home yesterday and today because of the snow, or more accurately, because of the ice. A van got precariously stuck on our townhouse neighborhood's central parking lot, and could only teeter dangerously towards a row of cars (including mine) when it tried to move. So I physically couldn't get out for

I'm dearly hoping that they get Switch themes up for My Nintendo points, because the current UI is a little on the spartan side. Sure, it's quick and snappy, but where are the wacky jingles?

"The Switch is in Bill's house. And Fred's house. And Martha's house."

Oh man, good call. I had been annoyed at the inherent absurdity of the Switch's charger placement, become placated once I understood its necessity for the dock, and now am kind of annoyed again since you pointed this out. What a (tiny) roller-coaster ride, haha.

Yeah, super-good point. Tabletop mode will be much more relevant to me once streaming video gets added. I'll finally be able to join the ranks of people who have a tablet that they play video or audio on while cooking!

I wonder about this. The explanation makes sense, but I found that sitting… maybe ten feet away from my TV to play Bomberman, neither I nor my wife encountered any issues. Maybe we would have if we sat at that distance and also held our hands in front of the joycons.

I might pick one of these up at some point, just because I'd like more flexibility in the tabletop viewing angle, but the tabletop mode is easily the least interesting of the modes for me. It's a little on the small side for most multiplayer games, and I can't imagine a scenario where I'd like to play a game not on

I was more annoyed with the charging port problem when I didn't understand its placement. It needs to be there for the dock to work properly. You could have the screen rotate or something, but that would present a few more working parts to deal with when connection/disconnecting joycons. The placement of the charging

I'd be more annoyed with the boot time on Badge Arcade if the music wasn't so darned good!

I thought you were serious for a moment, then I remembered what you are referring to. Thanks for making me laugh!

Fans of Skyward Sword unite! Haha, more seriously - thanks for writing this. I've been thinking a lot about earlier Zelda iterations tie into the apparently (but not really) completely unique Breath of the Wild. I suspect this will be a major source of conversation in the weeks ahead, as we figure out how BotW

Weird… you must have found some very different carvings, haha. The one I'm thinking of is under the throne room in Zora's Domain, and it suggests a resting place for the Zora's Helm. All of this said, there seems to be some difference in how the Zora gear is obtained - someone I spoke to on here yesterday indicated

Oh goodness, did you read my anecdote about this encounter in Reasonable Discussions? I'll repost it here:

A couple of notes that I don't think should count as spoilers, but I'll flag them for you anyhow:

I've heard some pretty great stuff about Horizon, so it might be a good option. Consider selling your game on Amazon, though, since you can usually make more money going that method and it's not significantly more effort than going to the Gamestop.

I'll bet this was a major difference - I had put a solid 15+ hours into the game before even getting to Zora's Domain.

This is incredible! Yet another thing I never would have thought to do. How did they manage to program this game?!

Oh my goodness, @disqus_BpFJhAJ8NT:disqus, prepare for your mind to be blown - I actually did beat it! It required the use of several food items, including one that gave me 12 extra hearts and one that boosted my defense by 2. I also worked my way through three weapons, including one that I had won from the "Major

This weekend I'll be playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Oh yeah, that's a good point - my fingers are pretty slender, so I haven't run into instances where I hit the wrong button. My biggest gripe, so far, is that I got wrist pain from playing in handheld mode while laying down; something's just a little off about the ergonomics. Hopefully a grip can fix this, or my