
You totally should (unless you strongly dislike the game). I'd put it in my Top Five Zelda games, as I loved the combat, characters, environments, visual style, and the thoroughly engaging dungeons. If you dislike it within the first ten hours, though, I don't think I'd advocate putting yourself through twenty more.

If you do this, tell us how it plays. I loved Hyrule Warriors, and don't care about the plot in a musou game, but wouldn't want to miss any key mechanical stuff.

Don't get my hopes up, DFlim!

Hahaha, are you buying multiple Switch consoles?! You are planning to sell the extras, right? In any case, good luck on the Pro Controller. I sat on that, and now I want one, and as far as I can tell no stores around me are selling them. Eh, c'est la vie.

Oof, I felt your FE: Heroes pain all the way over here. Bummer!

Maybe they'll drop it off to you with one of those drones I've heard so much about. Hard to imagine any other way of shipping it to and through NYC in an afternoon, eh?

Given how great I just realized Horizon: Zero Dawn looks (through @disqus_zwqP3XtS0B:disqus's posts, funny enough), I may have just been converted to appreciating great lighting effects. I can't even imagine how great it looks with HDR!

We'll be anxiously awaiting your report on the series. I really ought to do one of those too, since I accomplished a similar goal (playing all of them, though failing to finish a handful - Link to the Past, Spirit Tracks, and Oracle of Seasons). Good luck on the papers and scoring a Switch. I'll try to remember to

That's the impression I'd gotten, and I say that as someone who owns and loves Nintendo Land as a party title. 1-2-Switch looks appealing, but only in the way that Wii Sports looks appealing - as a novelty that would be delightful if it came with a piece of hardware, but for which I wouldn't be willing to spend more

Oh yeah, I totally forgot this! It's been so long since I had a DS with a GBA slot (I had a DS XL for the last couple years of that console's life). Truly the DS/3DS is the greatest of multigenerational consoles.

Good call. I had a modded PSP, but never tried GBA on it. Sold the thing last year, darn it!

Congrats on finishing Twilight Princess HD. That game is fantastic (my second-favorite in the franchise after Majora's Mask). It's too bad there wasn't more time for you to explore its world, as it's one of the only games where I actually enjoyed meandering about and completing sidequests like the Poe roundup, but

I am thoroughly pumped for Night in the Woods. If I hadn't just bought a Switch and given up buying games for Lent, it would be in my Steam/GoG/Humble accoutn right now. I'm happy it's treating you well.

Strangely, the Wii U effectively made me a Nintendo fan. I mean, I grew up with a couple Nintendo consoles (NES and N64), but moved away from them, like so many adolescents, as I felt they were too childish. The Wii disappointed me with its reliance on motion controls and SD resolution in an era of HDTVs. The Wii U,

The one thing I'm hoping (and I got this impression) is that there's so much in Breath of the Wild that it's effectively unspoilable. I'm rather hoping this, since I checked out GameXplain's review and was disappointed to see a few things I would have liked to be surprised by. Such is the price of trying to mitigate

The general consensus I've found elsewhere is that the GBA version is superior. The main caveat is that you need to have a GBA or a GBA emulator to play it. Concerning the latter, I tried to do this on my TV and it looked awful upscaled from the GBA resolution - a smartphone may be the better option. Of course,

I'm excited for MK8 on the 8th! I'm not planning to get the Deluxe Edition, even though I'm picking up a Switch today, so count me in for all foreseeable future events (unless, of course, Nintendo shuts down the servers…).

There is a very specific set of Amiibo I'd like to obtain:

Also, is there an idea inherently cooler (at least to people of our age bracket) than fighting robotic dinosaurs with some kind of cyber-bow? It sounds like the kind of thing that a company would manage to mess up, but it seems that these folks stuck the landing.

Sweet - I just checked out the second one. This is actually the first game where lighting effects really feel like they're worth the processing power - that fire and tech lighting is just gorgeous. The game feels like a combination of Dark Souls and Tomb Raider 2013, at least to me. I had a moment of fear when I saw