
Oh yeah, there's that too. Although No Man's Sky managed to come out on PC. On the other hand, Okami HD remained a PS3 exclusive because Sony bankrolled it (much like Bayonetta 2 and Nintendo). I don't begrudge them the practice, at's it's solid business and rewards their fans. I just wish I could play it without

Why?! Well, given my comments above on actually buying a PS4 at some point, I suppose I've answered my own question, haha.

Please do!

You and I are both playing Phoenix Wright! Though I bought the trilogy on sale, since I'd never played one before. I guess I'm playing the original now, and it's so great. The writing, the art, the puzzles, just marvelous. Glad to hear that the quality continues.

I'm really hoping we get the Qbby amiibo here in the US of A.

My goodness I hope Horizon: Zero Dawn comes out on the PC. If not, I suppose it's one more reason for me to eventually own a PS4, but it just looks like a PC game, you know?

That's what I did. I assumed I was supposed to evade the guards, haha.

Sounds like you and I are in the same… boat.

Oops, I gave up buying games for Lent, so I suppose I won't be picking up Snipperclips until April. Lousy Catholicism! ;-)

Yes! I'm probably most excited for Flipping Death, surprisingly enough, but I love how it looks (and the fact that one of the lead writers is Ryan North, of Dinosaur Comics fame).

I just got an email saying that my order (a Switch, along with Bomberman and Breath of the Wild) is ready for pickup at the chosen Best Buy store on March 3. So it seems that at least some Best Buy locations have stuck the landing.

I have no doubt about this. As a person who, at this point, primarily seeks out either Nintendo or indie games, I was thoroughly impressed by the Nindie showcase the other day. Believe it or not, that hyped me up significantly more than some EA or Ubisoft announcement would have.

Just a quick note, though I know you said you aren't planning to get one now - absolutely do not throw the Switch into a bag. It's got a fancy screen that will get scratched up. Invest in one of those $10-15 Switch carrying cases and put that in your bag with the Switch inside.

Yeah, the headphones thing is maddening. Like, the only time I manage to get anything valuable done is when folks stop talking to me for five minutes, haha.

This is my situation in a nutshell. My wife and I do enjoy some co-op time on our Wii U, but much of the time we are either each doing our own multimedia things (her on a laptop, a Gameboy Color, or the TV and me on a 3DS, the Wii U Gamepad, or the TV). It is really nice to see Nintendo continuing to cater to families.

I think you'll probably be fine with just a set of Joycons for single player Fire Emblem Warriors. They seem pretty committed to the Joycon Grip setup funcitoning for anything the Pro Controller would do - it's just a minor ergonomic step down.

I've heard some very mixed things on the pro controller. I'll likely get one, but I've consistently heard it described as inessential, since the Joycons in the grip - while not as standard as the pro controller - are perfectly pleasant.

Join us, @avclub-853573b5a907ed8b2f4fec25a92406a2:disqus :)

I won't be re-buying Mario Kart 8 when it releases, but if they add new single player tracks to it over the next year or so, I'll likely buy a copy in 2018.

$300 is reasonable, and it's nice to get two controllers with it at launch. I think one of the main frustrations is simply the accessory cost, or perhaps the absence of a pack-in game. Don't get me wrong, these are not universally applied standards, but I think that may contribute (in addition to, as you stated, the