
Have you heard about Wargroove? It's functionally a new Advance Wars, though with a (still cartoony) fantasy aesthetic. That one was just announced yesterday, and is coming to the Switch this year, though it should be multi-platform.

It's my pick for best Wii U game, though Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad are both right up there.

They do that for all pre-orders on Prime. Best Buy does the same. It's a pretty solid way to bring in Day One sales, though it may hurt the companies on certain high-profile games like Breath of the Wild.

Whew, that's a roller coaster ride.

Funny enough, it was playing Planescape: Torment a couple of years ago that really drove home to me that I no longer play games for straight storytelling. I'd been hearing for years about how great this game was for its narrative, and I didn't have anything against '90s CRPG visuals, having grown up with them, so I

I'm Catholic, so Lent is a pretty serious season for me. I'm still up in the air between giving up beer or giving up buying games, as either would result in a pretty good stash of cash I can put into the Operation Rice Bowl thing that Catholic Relief Services distributes during Lent.

I wish I wasn't waiting for Breath of the Wild - it's so close to Friday that I can't take the hype, haha. Friday's going to be the toughest, as I have a Switch pre-ordered, along with Breath of the Wild and Super Bomberman R, just waiting for me to finish my shift at work.


Final Fantasy VI! I feel like you could probably do a lot of interpretation, given the sprite nature of the characters.

Right now I'm picturing someone, absolutely seething at the end of a long, hard day at the office, getting home and opening their refrigerator, pulling out the Fiji bottle, looking longingly at the back and then sighing with relief, finally able to put the hardships of their day behind them. Of course, they don't

This is simultaneously what I love and loathe about Nintendo. They are unwilling to rest on their laurels, with regard to software development, which manages to both irritate me (why can't we just have a fancy new version of something you already clearly do well?!) and invigorate me (every Zelda game is a unique

Hm… de-stressing… probably a side scrolling Mario game. Those things are the closest thing I have to digital comfort food, as I've been playing them since I learned to talk. Of course, they are, in some ways, inherently stressful timing-heavy experiences, so I might go with Pokemon instead. One of the more recent 3DS

Yeah, the images in it look cool, but it feels paradoxically like a larger Hyrule Historia with less to say. I'll ask for it for Christmas, but I'm not going to be going out to buy it right away.

It's money in the bank. I guess there's the possibility that some customers would feel cheated that they invested in the Wii U and then everyone else got the same games on the Switch, but it's hard to imagine people who were interested in Nintendo enough to own a Wii U but would be willing to drop their support due to

If you're interested in getting a preview of Art & Artifacts, GameXplain has a video where they page through it a bit. It's rather surreal watching the preview of a book on Youtube, but there you have it. Also, thank goodness Keyboard Geniuses is back! I missed it last week.

Having a Wii U and a 3DS means you can play the entirety of the Zelda series (excepting the oddball Four Swords Adventure).

I have good things to say about it, but it's easily the worst game in the series.

Agreed. If I didn't have save states, I never would have made it through Adventure of Link (and may well not have made it through the original game).

I just want them to bring back the remote controlled mecha-bug from Skyward Sword. It's all I ask!

I can't imagine any other way to read that game. The only helpful people are hiding away in caves or underground. It's clearly an abandoned region.