
It is - I just played through the 3DS Virtual Console versions last year, and you get a code at the end of whichever one you play first to enable content in the 2nd one you play.

Not using a guide (except for once or twice) in the original Zelda as I discovered it for the first time over the past few weeks was surprisingly rewarding. Like many truly great games, it has something of a language that you learn by exploring. There's no inherent reason why this wall or that tree look like they

As a person who had never played the original game until a few weeks ago, I have to say that it held up significantly better than I expected. While it would have been nice to have the ability to move in more than four directions, it's otherwise almost perfect. What's funny is that it is so close to being way too

Holy guacamole, at least three of us here listed Majora's Mask as the top one. Crazy, eh?

I'm always ready to do this:

This makes me so happy to hear. Along with having a million tasks to complete, crafting is one of my least favorite trends in modern game design (though I didn't mind it much in No Man's Sky). I'm glad to hear that the system works well in Zelda.

It's been confirmed that there is no reason to wear the green tunic at all in the game, if you'd prefer not to. Breath of the Wild is the first time, as far as I'm aware, that a variety of clothing options are available to the player.

This map detail may be the coolest thing I've heard about the game so far. I just keep finding new reasons to be impossibly pumped for next Friday!

He was tough, but that whole sequence was one of the cooler finales in a series full of them. They really nailed the dueling in that game.

Oh man, if the time travel dungeon didn't do it for you, I don't know if anything will. That place may be my favorite Zelda dungeon, although the later time travel portion on a ship may surpass it. Golly I love Skyward Sword.

Huh, that is an absolutely baffling design quirk, and not one that I noticed when playing on the Wii U last year.

I don't think I've ever been so hyped ahead of a game. Maaaaybe for Final Fantasy X.

Same with the lack of nostalgia. The only Nintendo console I owned and liked when I was young was the NES (I was exactly the wrong age to really appreciate the N64, and jumped ship to PSX). They've won me over entirely over the past five years, so I guess that goes to show that, contrary to what many folks say,

Modern nerds' obsession with 'canon' is a bit maddening to me (and I don't say nerd as a pejorative, as I am 100% a nerd). I guess it makes for more interesting conversations or something, but I definitely land more on the Miyamoto side of looking to a piece of art as its own self-contained thing, rather than a piece

Believe it or not, I actually did stumble upon that NE room somehow. That's almost comically devious to hide one of the game's most critical items there!

Just a contradictory note - I wouldn't swear to it, but I recall hearing that the DLC was identical between the two generations.

Have you played DK: Tropical Freeze. Because if not, you should - it's one of the best platformers I've ever played, and I've been playing them since the early 1990s. No joke!

Yeah, there are different icons for different purposes.

You just made me laugh out loud here at my cubicle. Thanks Whovian!

Neat, I didn't know this. I had assumed the timeline was just a bit of fluff dreamed up for the Hyrule Historia (a book I love) as a bonus for mythology-interested fans.