
Well, it’s certainly a look.  

Well, I’ve always found wearing my tightest t-shirt and jeans and putting on a pout...

1996. I was between school and college and needed a job to tide me over. So I got a job through Kelly Services working for Abbey National (now Santander) in Glasgow. It wasn’t anything truly horrifying, just mindless data entry, but the team I was working with were awful. and boringly

I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with her clothing.  Oh, hold on, it’s because she’s not a super-skinny person, right?  Fuck that noise.

Hell yes to the Wine Gums.  Spoiler alert:  they don’t have alcohol, but they’re a fun wee snack for the fast folk.  If you spot Pot Noodles, buy buy buy buy buy!

*fetches the smallest tub of aloe gel for Murrrrrgan’s burns*

Sunshine Cleaning for me. Both she and Emily Blunt are pretty grand in that film. Oh, and then there’s Arrival, which was praised near-universally for Adams’s performance.

She looks like a beachball in drag with a pair of knock-off Chanel shades on.  Fix your wig, sweetie.

I’m betting Caitlin asked for an interview and he went all Mariah-Carey on her.  That or it’s just a glacial news day (again) on Splinter...

*laughs hysterically*

I would rank Metalhead higher than this. The reason? Maxine Peake. She’s one of our best actresses and she works the scene - not chews through it like others would or descend into melodrama - and she makes you feel and believe that what she’s going through is very, very real and possible. Far cry from being Twink

Now playing

And there was me hoping it was going to be this...

I don’t think you guys get this over in the States (and be bloody thankful that you don’t) but Heinz do a “sandwich spread” (literally a tiny pot of assorted vegetables blitzed into a slightly chunky and alarmingly cream-coloured mess but with “bits” bobbing around, like it’s been made from hamster puke) that was, for

Voted for Allison. Her choices may be basic, but she eventually sort-of-but-not-quite redeemed her poor life decisions “very fine choicees” by finishing off with alcohol.

Oh, fuck, I recognise that stance.  It’s the “stand this way and it’ll make you look like you’ve got muscles” pose.  *cackle*

I fucking love Lachlan Watson’s performance in Sabrina. I’m hoping they’ll be around on our screens for a long time. I hope I’m not alone in finding the storylines for Theo and Roz to be that wee bit more compelling in the second half of season one.

In my mind, Toni is too good for Batshit Queen Cheryl, but yeah, I agree they’ve possibly got the healthiest and sweetest relationship on that bloody show.

Fuck this fisted-melon-of-a-man.  Just...fuck it.  

I’ve read your diary, dear. Until I did, I had no idea you could do that with a butternut squash...