

Wanda Sykes nailed it when she said The Bachelor’s rose ceremony basically equated a man tapping women he deems worthy to bone on the forehead with his dick and them going crazy with happiness when he does. I hate that we see so much about this show on Jezebel, even if it’s dirt bag.

Do they really demand my respect? Do they command my respect? Do they ampersand my respect?

This is just so upsetting. They’ve been doing this for the past few years now, using feminist language in the pro-life movement.

I suspect she’s one of those people who buys a dog solely because she likes the way the breed looks, without doing any real research into the characteristics of the breed. That never ends well, I feel like you see that a lot specifically with dogs that are bred to work, like a Doberman, Siberian Husky or Malinois etc.

Came for the stars. Got chicken tikka baked potato. Wasn’t disappointed.

Twenty minutes? I’ll wait for the InstaPot Vag thank you very much.

If you’ve never poached chicken like the Cantonese do you have no idea what you’re missing.

These are the dudes who own io9, something tells me they dont have anything to say with what io9 writes on a day to day basis. Which I think is a safe bet considering they also own Splinter which is trying to out Jacobin Jacobin... The only reason entertainment exists is because we live in a world of surplus that

“you’d have to be pretty bold to just unplug lights to use your laptop”

My former fuck buddy, now husband has a lamp that looks like an anatomical model of a heart, and when you plug it in, it “pulses”. I shit you not.

You can have good, cheap, or fast. Pick two one Subway.

Letting a kid have a job like that teaches them:

This looks really delicious (or it’s just dinner time..). How long before someone serves a version where the roll is slathered in “marinara”instead of aioli (in that every red sauce place and it’s owner’s mother’s red sauce place has calamari friti on the menu so if chicken parm and eggplant parm can end up in

If I cut up a hot dog and put it between two slices of bread it would definitely be a sandwich.

I’m British and that was a stupid thing to say.

Rosemary’s Baby Simply put, one of the best horror movies of all time, and on the heels of Once Upon a Hollywood making it such a crucial plot point, this is one everyone should check it out.

I find the lying about Santa Claus is an insane tradition that undermines the trust the children will have for the things their parents tell them, especially about metaphysical concepts such as karma and our Creator and his Messengers.

I mention in a different post: there is no authentic, legitimate spicy vindaloo. It is a Goa dish, far from wherever most Indians (or Pakistanis) who migrate to North America to open restaurants come from. Like, "as far as Sweden from Spain, they have very different cuisines despite both places being called 'India'"