Jesus. I used to think that Maggie Thatcher was an instant turn-off, but that fucker’s a whole new level of fucked-up-fugly. People, if you want to know what a haggis looks like after someone’s fucked it - behold.
Jesus. I used to think that Maggie Thatcher was an instant turn-off, but that fucker’s a whole new level of fucked-up-fugly. People, if you want to know what a haggis looks like after someone’s fucked it - behold.
Hopefully (he says, with an eye-roll so violent that he nearly dislodges a retina) they’ll see through that shit and throw the book at that creature.
Cry more, you pathetic shit. You deserve to drown in blood for what you did.
American “fries” suck. Just like avocado smoothies and *gag* kale. British chippy-chips rule!
Tell you what, Clinty: you take that godawful disc o’ shit to Naples. Tell me how you get on.
So, basically, one-eyed grandma/cougar gets her man?
I say just bump off the Night King. And then focus the rest of the season on getting rid of Queen Failed Pixie-Cut herself.
I ran this story by a vegan friend of mine last night and to say her eyebrows nearly vanished into her skull is an understatement. She pointed out that, for her, there are broadly two types of vegans in this world: those who are vegan and just get on with things, and those who are vegan and want every fucker and their…
I would have killed him. I admire your restraint.
Because the value of a gun is greater than that of a human life in the United States of America. Your country is mentally ill. It needs help.
I discovered the other day that I can order Star Trek Discovery via Amazon, and a couple of other shows that I thought were exclusively on Netflix UK. Fuck Netflix. The “three year strategy” is pathetic and given how fucking awful Netflix’s “original films” (insert guffaw here), I’m cancelling. What do they plan to…
I get the feeling that Ole Nightie isn’t going to get past Winterfell. I’m hoping he doesn’t and the next few episodes lead up to the inevitable fuck-down between Them In The North and (as my sister calls her) Queen Failed Pixie-Cut. Preferably, I’d like to see her get roasted alive by Drogon, but that’s just me.
A while ago, I was unemployed and I was living in a fairly expensive flat (apartment for those unfamiliar with the term). It was literally hand-to-mouth at some points and I sort-of-became an expert in substituting ingredients for cheaper alternatives. Also became a bit of an expert with the old World War 2 food…
Fucking wankpots. Seriously.
I always want that ridiculous woman to be interrupted by the maid shrieking “you fucking cow! I just finished polishing those fucking floors!”
Ugh, Werther’s. Some of the creepiest adverts in recent British history. Mind you - if she has a bag of mint imperials...
Yes, the codeword is “suikerziekte”. *stare*
You know, back in the 90s, there was a movie theatre down in London that was caught serving margarine instead of butter on its popcorn? I bet those bastards are now serving avocado snot on toast...
I take it that Marnie’s an American and thus isn’t aware of the epic glory of Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut? This requires music...oh, feel free to run me a bubble bath. This basic manwhore’s got a bar needing nommed...