“Broke ass IKEA 200 thread sheets” is now my insult of choice for the gay bitch at work who claims he only wears “organically harvested silk ties”...
“Broke ass IKEA 200 thread sheets” is now my insult of choice for the gay bitch at work who claims he only wears “organically harvested silk ties”...
They’ve done it before, you know...
Well *he says, filing the claws*, us British gayers know that Prince Edward bats for our team. Allegedly, darlings, allegedly.
I thought the Robot’s redesign was gorgeous. It’s clearly a robot - but a robot designed and built by an alien civilisation (potentially an all-artificial one at that) I loved the fact that the Robot’s ship was surreally alien as well - too many times the tits on Star Trek have traipsed onto an alien vessel from a…
I’ll make a recommendation: Record by Tracey Thorne. One half of the insanely brilliant Everything But The Girl, Record has some of the most beautifully written - and underrated - music released this year. Personal favourites? Queen, Guitar, and the album-finisher, Dancefloor.
I never understood why Rory was allowed to live for all seven seasons of this show. Just kill the whiny, entitled, prissy, gurning-faced tit off and focus the show on Lorelai and Emily.
And the little mouthbreather who called the cops? Has it been fired?
Get out.
I’m partial to the Air France one. Far classier than American Airlines’ jumbled mess.
Jesus Christ, Taylor, find the “on” switch on your rabbit and flick it on, sweetie. What the hell?
God, that was a shitstorm of mediocrity....
Yeah, doesn’t stain Becky’s veneers...
Chicken stock is almost like some sort of wicked alchemy. Mind you, for real fun times, try making beef/lamb stock the way my grandmother does (roasting bones! Maybe chuck in a lamb skull in if you can!) or...fish stock. I have nightmares about the time I pulled off the lid from my grandmother’s ancient Le Creuset pot…
“Just let me know how much you want,” she said as she grabbed the serving spoon—a move that, considering what was in the spoon, I should’ve considered a threat.
And a lack of joy. Don’t forget the lack of joy. It should sing of the gulag...
Love the crockery. Nothing makes the demonaic love-juice look paler than a 90s throwback platter...
Hailing from the UK, white gravy isn’t something you’ll find over here. That said, I know of several family members and colleagues who have been lucky enough to survive visiting the USA and return to regale us with tales of the afore-mentioned Satanic jizz-juice.
Get thee to Netflix, young fusillade, where you can enjoy Avasarala tearing holes in idiots in full-on stereo sound!
My Grandmother’s roasts look like a resurrected nuclear blast victim. Yeah.
Granny Mordor insists on serving the scalded bovine flesh with a dollop of what we call “school gravy”. I dunno if you’re in the UK - but it’s made with an instant gravy called Bisto, which is usually all shades of wonderfulness, but it’s thickened with flour and boiled repeatedly until reduced to the texture and…