Or, as my Grandmother would think, when you’ve cooked the damned flesh so much that it’s approaching a level of impermeability that would make a rubber boot manufacturer weep with envy...
Or, as my Grandmother would think, when you’ve cooked the damned flesh so much that it’s approaching a level of impermeability that would make a rubber boot manufacturer weep with envy...
I think it’s a cultural thing, as in, which culture you’re raised in. My father’s family are Italian and we all learn to cook in that family (we’re talking the real deal, no meatballs-and-spaghetti, carbonara-is-the-work-of-Satan-herself), whilst my mother’s family are...well...limited.
I had the biggest crush on Ethan Embry. Good gosh. Him and Johnny Whitworth. Rawr.
I remember being really excited that The Breakfast Club was coming out on Netflix as, well, for years I hadn’t bought it on DVD and my old VHS copy got recorded over by a vengeful sister with nothing but back-to-back episodes of Tellytubbies (you old sow. I’ll get you. You and your little dog too...) and I sat down…
Yes, I think we really, really should. I would have punched Duckie until he stopped twitching, to be honest.
Ah, yes. I’ve just had to resort to Google to look up this abomination - you’re right. It appears to be your Becky, sorry, basic chai with a splodge of steamed milky froth on top. Still looks repulsive, mind you.
It goes a bit more nutty-wanky than that. I was informed that when you order chai tea latte at Starschmucks, what you’re saying is “tea-with-milk-tea-milk”. The redundant words are “tea” and “latte”, likewise “tea” would be redundant with “chai tea”. Not as nutty-wanky as the mouthbreathers who insist on eating…
*files nails*
The Pool Scene from Showgirls, aka “that’s a nice butt double you’ve got there, Kyle” or “How Elizabeth Berkeley really fucked up her career”...
GOD YES. It’s like he’s drowning her or she thinks she’s a suffocating fish. MAKE UP YOUR DAMNED MINDS, PEOPLE!
It’s not worthy of the title human. It’s scum. Pure and simple scum.
Fuck off, Ingraham. Fuck all the way off. Hateful witch.
And it’s not in jail...why? Personally, I’d have it executed. After all, we put down rabid dogs, don’t we?
Only if you’re a Yank, it would seem. Don’t forget the fiddle-dee-dee.
Slowly. Always eat it slowly and lick your lips and fingers in a very, very sexual manner. Give them a thrill.
I do believe the current co-opted parlance employed by the teal-hair brigade is “I was SHOOK!” accompanied by finger-snapping a la Drag Race.
So...these shrill sows are taking on the industry by going after a small restaurant and not a larger chain? I wasn’t aware that, in addition to the lack of nutrients in their diet, that vegans have a spinal deficiency. The wee lambs.
I honestly thought Roseanne had become a bloated dead-thing a few years ago.
My mother said a long, long time ago that there are some women who - in her words - “just should stay in the shadows or the kitchen and not bother trying to be better than what they are”. This cretin is one such shining example of mediocrity. There are countless women on both sides of the political divide in the US…
Pierce Bush, eh? How nice they named him after the act of conception that brought about his birth.