Singed Vinegar

I agree that this could be fascinating, even amazing when you take into consideration the complexity of Australian culture, history - and landscape - into consideration. Ignore the States for a few minutes, people, and focus on the fact that it’s going to be an Australian-driven project. Robbie’s a clever git, knowing

Oh, fuck off Matt. Seriously, fuck all the way off.

“Why must you always be the victim?” has one rather excellent retort that I remember a colleague firing at some snake-bukkake-loving miscreant along the similar lines - “because you just won’t stop being a complete and utter cunt, Susan!”

That or you were lucky enough to survive a close encounter with the apocalyptic death-spiral of his lack of personality and thus you blocked any recollection of his time on screen?

Ugh. Just ugh. And why does he look like the bastard offspring of a potato and an Oompa Loompa?

God, yes. Milk went sour.

Is this the person I heard referred to as the White House Pass-Around Gal the other day on twitter? (The Pass-Around Bottom-Boi is Jared, btw. We know that lily-white ass of his has seen more heavy traffic than the Channel Tunnel)

Oh Betsy. Fuck off, you blood-stained shit-scraping. Fuck off. Fuck all the way off. (Bye, Felicia!)

I take it you’re one of those short-sighted racist bellends who voted for Brexit based on false promises of millions of pounds for the NHS, resumption of control over our borders and immigration that we never lost, or the reassertion of the dominance of British legal systems over European law (which, er, we never lost

You find a large subsection of British society that thinks that the Empire was brilliant. Sort of in the same way that you people have those who claim Segregation was cool, or that Manifest Destiny was peachy or that Kim Kardashian is a feminist icon. We’ve been able - for years - to ignore this particular breed of

I...don’t understand. The top looks fine to me. I must be missing some sort of demonic power this girl wields from her bared shoulder or some other nonsense like that. Oh god, was the administrator one of those Kim Davis clones? If so, burn it in hellfire...

Break his fucking legs and leave him a desert. Fucking scumbag. He followed them for twenty blocks? If my maths are correct, that’s, what, over a kilometre minimum? Save your fucking tears, you psychopath.

Do we know if he actually *is* his father? I just don’t see how someone could get someone pregnant with that massive lardy bubble of flesh hanging over their crotch.

I watched that car crash of an interview the other day and all I could keep thinking was: how the fuck did that woman survive childhood? Honestly.

Bless her wee cotton socks. Remember, people, Dumpy Medusa’s not used to the little people questioning her aptitude.

Well fucking done those kids. The idiots in charge forget one little thing: you’re going to be voting very soon and you - you- have the power within you to bring about real change. Not just paper change, we’re talking profound change. More power to you!

Yeah, that’s frightening - but not unexpected.

The Kenzo gown was beautiful, the fringe-heavy t-shirt Swift’s pulled out of goodwill is not.

Oh, that made me choke on my coffee. Curse you!

Fifty quid says he was discovered fucking Melania or Ivanka. Any takers?