Came here to suggest this; it was kicked around (no pun intended) as an idea for rugby overtimes, too.
Came here to suggest this; it was kicked around (no pun intended) as an idea for rugby overtimes, too.
Except shootouts don’t determine games that matter in (North American) hockey, plus, the dynamics of hockey shootouts are very different than soccer, given player movement, net size, etc.
But I want to see this mindset not just apply to cars that cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars at the very least. I want to see this on cars for the people.
It goes in reverse, too: “Mexican” cars by American car companies are (unsurprisingly) 76% American parts by value, which is way higher than say, a VW made in Mexico (not surprising).
Exactly. I’m kicking myself for as much money down as I did, but, oh well.
I think the “off MSRP” thing is what made the difference: Between negotiation and a manufacturer rebate, I saved just about 20% on the new vehicle.
Went to Nashville for a bachelor’s party when I was younger. 8 guys in total; we end up at this bar mid afternoon one day, push two tables together and a nice, very efficient server shows up a moment later.
When I went car shopping a year ago, I ended up buying new despite going into the process thinking that it was silly to buy something new that’d just depreciate anyways: New-ish used cars at the low end of the price range (which is where I was shopping, since I take transit to work and really just drive for…
The story I’ve heard is that two Albrecht brothers took over their mom’s store and started the chain (Albrecht Discount, or Aldi), but got into a fight about whether to sell cigarettes so split up the stores regionally and expanded from there.
Maybe, but we really need more data. Most people (left and right) do vaccinate their kids, and it really is an exceptional case when parents don’t. Frequently, but by no means always, if you’re an exception in one way (not vaccinating) you might be an exception in others (voting patterns).
I wonder if this is why Daniel Alfredsson quietly, suddenly left his (mostly-made-up, I’m sure) job in Ottawa. He was really viewed as a mentor/friend to Karlsson, and I wonder his departure had something to do with this mess (and the team’s inability to handle this on its own).
I get what you’re saying re:immigration, but I’m not sure that’s how I’d read the situation. First, I’d say that Obama personally, and through him, people in the administration, believed very fundamentally in the rule of law. It’s the job of the executive to see that laws are enforced; he did that with immigration…
It’s like the political universe had to get back for “No Drama Obama” by giving us this fucking Katrina-sized shitstorm of non-stop scandal to restore balance or something.
I mean, I wouldn’t have believed Hilary would be dumb enough to use an email server operating out of her basement (was the backup plan to call Bill and tell have him try resetting the server if she couldn’t get email while in Bhutan or some place?), but, well, she did, and now we’ve got a cast of crusty old…
And think the headlines aren’t sensational enough.
Except a lot of agents don’t tend to cause serious reactions for hours.
I’m of mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it’s clearly a ploy to increase the net spend on a car (if you want a nav system, you certainly want heated seats, right? Even if you’re buying our car in San Diego), on the other, it makes it a lot easier for buyers to cross-shop dealerships. “Premium trim, Tech package”…
If we’re talking on land, then, sure, but the initial goal of the project (at least, as it was being pitched by the Navy at the time) was that a ship could make fuel at sea, where there isn’t nearly enough room for solar panels to get this done. (The idea was to make fuel that could be used for aircraft, not for the…
Nice minivan. Oh, wait...