One glaring omission is the rules-light and family friendly RPG they call F.A.T.A.L. - this gem should be in everyone’s library...
One glaring omission is the rules-light and family friendly RPG they call F.A.T.A.L. - this gem should be in everyone’s library...
What I think many universal systems don’t do all that well is support the flavor of genre that is being played. TORG did a really good job of that with World Laws and the four axioms (magic, science, social, spirit). Dream Factory does also by having each game have 2 linchpins that embody the feel you want the game to…
Pretty much every GM has the patience of a saint. I can’t count the number of times I had something mapped out or plotted and they players decimated it. I’d just smile and ad lib some more stuff so that at least we had something to do for the rest of the evening.
I’ve been particularly impressed with the Amber rules through the years, though I haven’t played any of the other storytelling games.
Then there’s this little modest wonder, a simple RPG that can handle any genre and prioritizes story over tactics: