Panja Krejn

Either everyone knows what this is, or no one knows what this is. ;)

One glaring omission is the rules-light and family friendly RPG they call F.A.T.A.L. - this gem should be in everyone’s library...

What I think many universal systems don’t do all that well is support the flavor of genre that is being played. TORG did a really good job of that with World Laws and the four axioms (magic, science, social, spirit). Dream Factory does also by having each game have 2 linchpins that embody the feel you want the game to

Then there’s this little modest wonder, a simple RPG that can handle any genre and prioritizes story over tactics:

What the f&*k? This is like being told to get money if you want to buy stuff. We don’t need an article explaining to us how useful a coding buddy is, that’s obvious. What we need is an article explaining where ones goes to FIND a coding buddy in the first place!! THAT would be useful!!