
You aren’t the only person claiming that she instigated the message from Mrs. Blevins. But like the other people, you haven’t explained why she should believe Ninjas explanation. His explanation is that he was lying to his chat. But once you know someone is a liar, distrust becomes a rational response.

I think Poki is in the right here, but that’s not why Ninja said he doesn’t stream with girls. As I remember it, he said he doesn’t do it because he knows that fans will read into their interactions and start spreading rumours, and that he doesn’t want to subject his wife to that. Basically, he doesn’t want unhinged

Why should she believe him when he says he lied to placate his chat? Once you know a person is a liar, the logical response is to assume they are lying. If I were her, I would think it’s equally likely that he was lying to me instead of his chat.

Whose lives did Tobey Maguire ruin? All he did was play poker, gambling doesn't make someone a dirtbag, and it's not his fault one of the people he was playing with was betting stolen money.

I've been told that they’ve now been banned.

I just sent Luke Plunkett a link to his Kinja profile and hopefully his post history will get him banned. It's pathetic.

I saw his interaction with you on the latest ActiBlizz article and looked at his post history. I’ve screenshot multiple instances of his most transphobic posts and will now try to remember the login info for the Twitter account I never use and see if I can send them to someone who works here. I’ve also flagged some of

Oh, I agree with you that the loot boxes are basically gambling themselves. I still don’t think Valve is responsible for the skin gambling sites.

When I was in sixth grade, kids used to gamble their Pogs. When I was even younger, all the way back to kindergarten age, kids used to gamble their marbles by playing keepsies.

Yeah, loot boxes are shitty. But it’s a real stretch to say that Valve is responsible for what customers and third party sites do with the skins afterwards.

If you want your business to stay in business, then yes. The people worth supporting are the ones who pay enough money as a group. I'm glad you understand how things work.

We’ll go back to normal if and when the odds of dying from COVID reach parity with the odds of dying from the flu.

I have two friends who lost their sense of taste after getting COVID. Nothing is worth losing my ability to enjoy food and drink due to a mild cold.

That was a different McDonalds training game. Learn to read. It’s an essential life skill.

Why should the customer who paid for the game have to take extra steps to do so? I guess a trans persons money is worth less than a transphobic bigots.

The outer shell is waxed, wind-resistant cotton.”

99 Luftballons peaked at the #2 position on US charts.

If the purpose of a global looking for group chat is to find people to play with, and queer people need to find people who don't hate queer people to play with, then discussing their queerness is not off topic. Such discussion fulfills the purpose of finding people to play with.

Gay, trans, and other persons who don’t conform to CisHet-normative social constructs often face discrimination or violence in their daily lives. They shouldn’t have to face it in their daily lives, and they certainly shouldn’t have to face it in games that people play as respite and refuge from their daily lives.

His job is to tell his customers that it’s unreasonable of them to expect a 70 dollar product that can’t be returned once opened to expect that product to work on launch day. I’m sorry I called him a shill, gaslighting would be a more accurate way to describe it.