
Being out 70 dollars on a product that won’t be accepted as a return isn’t being harmed? Yeah, they don’t deserve death threats. But to call wanting a 70 dollar game made with a AAA budget to play well on day 1 an unreasonable demand is deserving of mockery.

That’s because “no cause of death has been revealed”, is celebrity death code for autoerotic asphyxiation.

Think of telephone scammers. We have a common scam in Canada where a conman calls a person saying they have issues with the Canada Revenue Agency and that if they don’t immediately correct this tax issue, they’ll be summoned to court.

Hey,.it’s not like these corporations are defrauding people by selling these broken games or anything. People better be polite to the con man when they get ripped off!

I didn’t buy it. I just happen to be pro-consumer instead of shill for a corporation.

I won't put any respect on the name of someone who shills for corporate fraudsters.

Why is it unethical to use chargeback to get a refund for a broken game? Shouldn’t you think it’s unethical for developers to defraud the consumer by knowingly selling a broken product?

“you’d think EA and DICE went to people’s houses individually to shit in people’s mouths.”

How about this. I'll steal 70 dollars from you, and you don't get to be negative about it. Sound good?

It’s not a video game, it’s 70 dollars that EA defrauded the consumer out of by knowingly selling broken merchandise.

Why is it that games are the only product considered acceptable to reach the consumer in a broken state?

That would be an amazing name for a hardcore band.

You’re correct, of course.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Walkers Crisps, not Lays Chips. They're limeys, not yanks.

Every cop they pay to do this could be a social worker instead.

I can tell you that Sterling’s videos led YouTube to recommend The Quartering to me. I had no idea who the guy was. I watched a video of his before I figured out the dudes a shitlord, and I totally got some fucked up MRA stuff in my feed for a little bit after that. The YouTube algorithm absolutely does that kind of

But the game doesn’t feature racism. The games players are using a feature of the game to be racist towards other players, which is racism in real life and not in the game itself.

I have nothing to say because this is the best take.

Full vaccination results in a 95 percent reduction in severe illness resulting in hospitalization. Omicron itself is 40 percent less likely to require hospitalization than delta. I’ve been supportive of all public health measures so far. I adopted mask wearing early on. I got vaccinated as early as it was available to