
I wonder how they would feel about head injury issues in the NHL.

How many unarmed black children has your friend murdered?

I mean, this is a post about employee attrition at Ubisoft, which is pretty notable right now. They have over 60 open positions at their Toronto offices alone. It's not really a Blizzard post at all.

So here’s the deal bud. The last time Kotaku reported on Root was the end of August. When there’s is another major development in that case, they will probably report again. Expecting them to report the same details over and over and over again is just stupid because all the writers here have a finite amount of time

One more thing. I’m deeply disappointed that you would resort to using uncontrollable physical characteristics of another human being as a basis for insulting them. Whether it’s the colour of a person’s skin, biological sex, physical ability, gender, orientation, OR EVEN THEIR AGE, people who spit bile against others

Hell, ZA/UM had to fight tooth and nail to get Disco Elysium released in Australia. It was initially denied classification. That game is a true modern masterpiece, and it was nearly made illegal to sell in Australia. What a fucking joke of a system.

And I never said Postal 2 was a good game. Objectively speaking, it’s pretty fucking terrible. But it exists, it’s worse than this game sounds, and it’s available uncensored.

What the fuck does Steam not existing when these games came.oit have to do with anything? Postal 2 and Carmageddon are both available uncensored on Steam right now. Fallout isn’t censored on Steam because of Steams policies, it’s censored because Bethesda put the censored version up for sale.

How is this worse than games like Carmageddon, Postal 2, or OG Fallout? Did those games ever get pulled from Steam?

I grew up with OG Fallout, Carmageddon, and Postal 2, and I’m struggling to see how this is worse than games I played growing up. And it’s not like those were fringey edgelord titles, those games were reasonably mainstream.

I might be wrong, but I think Kotaku is the publication who broke that story. You're talking about Riot Games history of workplace harassment because Cecilia D'Anastasio wrote the long form investigative piece that really uncovered how deep the rot goes at that company.

Other commentators are saying that he overheated the brakes and blew the tranny due to operator error and that these failures had nothing to do with maintenance.

Other commentators are saying it is matter of record that the driver smoked the brakes and apparently didn't use his jake properly. He also managed to wreck the transmission downshifting at too high RPMs, missed a runoff ramp, and even after all those errors, he could have chosen to take his chances with the median or

“a killing of one human being by another”

Vehicular homicide does not necessarily equal murder. Murder and homicide are not synonyms, murders are a specific subset of homicides. Homicides can result from negligence or recklessness. They can even result from neglect.

I can't speak to the American context. But I can say that here in Canada, jury nullification played an important part in the fight for abortion rights.

What makes you think they haven't?

It must be really shitty having to respond to these articles dragging the company you work for when you know the company deserves it. But we all gotta get paid somehow, so I’ll give you a pass.

Ubisoft Toronto has over 60 current job postings, so you don't even really need to speak French.

Lets say you have a hobby. Because doesn’t everyone have a hobby? Maybe that hobby is gaming. You watch some videos previewing upcoming games, or some game reviews. YouTube recommends you some more videos. Maybe a James Stephanie Sterling video, because you watch game reviews and they review games.