You just described word for word what YouTubes content recommendation algorithm does.
You just described word for word what YouTubes content recommendation algorithm does.
He’s fighting guys who are past their prime and MMA guys who aren’t used to fighting in straight up boxing matches.
Its from the movie Stand By Me.
That man got straight up dummied.
I agree. There was too much potential money to be had in a future rubber match.
The thing about Paul/Mayweather and Mayweather/McGregor is that no matter who got their ass beat, we all won in the end.
You would pick Snatcher over Chrono Trigger?
If you want to reduce crime in your city then vote for candidates who will work towards living wage or basic income legislation, increased school funding, universal healthcare, better access to mental health care and addictions counselling, housing access, and other such solutions that address the root causes of why…
A reasonably intelligent person of sound mind would have the expectation that failing to operate your semitrailer correctly coming down a steep mountain grade can potentially result in massive death and destruction. The defendant is, I assume, of sound mind and reasonable intelligence. He chose to operate his vehicle…
But I am not a lawyer, so disregard what I say.
He made bad choices that a person of sound mind and reasonable intelligence would would expect to potentially result in the deaths of others. I think that's what is meant by extreme indifference. It seems to be a step up from simple negligence but a step below the depraved heart doctrine that exists in some…
Homicide doesn't imply the intent to take a life though.
I don't get it. Aren't shotguns for killing birds?
I’m pretty sure that ducks don’t have the capacity to find something repulsive due to aesthetic reasons.
Actually, he still denies that he committed the crime he was convicted of and insists on his innocence.
I think it’s more likely that they don’t know that it began with a dude brigading against his ex.
It was about hating women right from the start, it all began when a man angry about his ex went online and got some fellow manchildrem to brigade her.
You have to be naive or completely and utterly delusional to think a giant corporation would give up the CoD cash cow for even one single day.
Imagine being stupid enough to think a corporation whose only concern is maximizing shareholder ROI would delist a cash cow franchise like CoD from its storefront.
Ok. I promise not to criticise him for looking like an elderly man's ballsack.